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About whether it will work. And canadians come together to help societies most vulnerable get the goods and services that they need. Hello welcome to the program the w hate show have just been giving of their Daily Press Conference from geneva and talking about the upcoming concert a global concert that will be that many will be participating in from the music world a world that continues james bays our diplomatic editor joins me now from the u. N. Of course a lot for the w. H. O. To talk about not just the Upcoming Events change and also their Daily Briefing along with the u. N. Lets just start with what the w. H. O. Had to say about the general pandemic news that were facing. Well all weve really had from the w. H. O. Of this briefing that happens 3 times a week is their latest figures 2100000 cases 140000 people dead around the world we know that the numbers that they publish are not going to be the complete numbers we know that many people are not being tested so certainly the number of confirmed cases is just the people whove been tested positive not the actual true number and it may well be that in many parts of the world the number of deaths is not being properly counted so you can always consider those figures to be on the low side. As you say so talking now about a concert one world together at home now this is the w. H. O. I think trying to play a positive role it has such grim news it has to impart such black news that they like to bring some light and shade to the situation trying to rally around people around the world thats why they bring on people like get lady ga gas addressing that News Conference right now to try and give some positive news to people the News Conference though will continue in a little later we suspect well get more information from dr ted ross when hes asked more questions medical questions and direct questions about the virus indeed and james in the lead up to that announcement of the concert that dr ted last actually mentioned 150000000. 00 u. S. Dollars had been raised for p. P. P. Equipment for poor countries and of course that links then to the u. N. Briefing because they were focusing on africa i believe of course africa is the main focus now as a potential hot spot in a real worry for the w. H. O. And the international community. Yeah the un is deeply concerned about the developing world and particularly about africa as you say while the w. H. O. Briefing was taking place i was listening to that in the other ear listening to a simple tony is briefing here at u. N. Headquarters from the spokesperson here the u. N. Secretary general antonio good terrors has been here in new york but virtually participating in the important meetings to be taking place in washington d. C. That is the seat of the international munt Monetary Fund and the world bank they always have that very big gatherings hundreds of people go to the most years their spring meetings this year theyre being totally virtually carried out there the secretary general made a speech as you say focusing on africa said he was deeply concerned about africa said the whole Global Impact of this virus will i think depend on how the world supports africa because theyre so worried that if it spreads through africa which has not very sophisticated medical facilities on the whole the way its. Spread through the developed world then theyll be a massive death toll hes also said that all the talk about a vaccine needs to be considered what he says is a Global Public good and be available everywhere he also said the u. N. Is starting what its calling solidarity flights trying to get the right supplies all across africa to other bits of news that have come from the u. N. Briefing one of the u. N. Spokes person saying the secretary general wants china to be as transparent as possible and secondly as you know the w. H. O. Will go back to their briefing in a moment as got this decision by President Trump to cut the funding will we hear that and tony you could terrace the u. N. Secretary general has been speaking to the u. S. Ambassador kelly craft about that and were told that secretary general has exactly the same position in private with ambassador craft that hes made clear in public and of course james. Is speaking i think still about the calls that were just dippin to see what hes saying do stand by what they would need is love and solidarity to defeat. This dangerous enemy more than 2000000 cases of k. 19 have now been reported to a deadly job and more than 135000 people have lost their lives while we mourn for those we have lost we also celebrate those who have survived and the thousands of people who were nobody covering deadly joeys updating our guidance to include recommendations for caring for patients during their Recovery Period and after hospital discharge we are encouraged that several countries in europe and north america and now starting to plan how to is social less strict ins we have said previously that is in these measures must be a gradual process and we have spoken about the criteria that countries should consider yesterday we published our guidance on consideration to see and i just think Public Health and social measures which we encourage countries to read and apply but although we seeing signs in some countries there are warning trends you know there is in the past week there has been a 51 percent increase in the number of reported cases in my own continent africa and a 60 percent increase in the number of reported deserters with the current charlie joe of obtaining testing kits its likely that theyre here numbers are higher dont report it. With doubly just support most countries in africa now have the capacity to test for 19 but there are is still significant gaps in access to testing kits we would king with partners to field those gaps and help countries find the virus the African Centers for Disease Control and prevention announced yesterday that more than 1000000 tests for one thing will be rolled out across the continent starting next week strengthening and supporting African Union institutions like the african c. D. C. We really have not only for them now but also for the future to further the strings in support for africa earlier this afternoon i spoke with president ramaphosa of south africa the cutting chair of the African Union and the mohammed the chairperson of the African Union commission u. N. Secretary general antonio good tennis the money doing director of the international Monetary Fund giver and the president of the World Bank David Malpass in i did in 2 tests we had also working hard to accelerate the Development Production and equitable distribution of a vaccine yesterday i spoke to president demand will mark carreau north friends bill gates and other partners to discuss how to prevent another part by getting vaccines from labs to people as fast as possible and as a deadly as possible the commitment from president marc grown from bill gates and also from Prime Minister Boris Johnson is hard it would mean. I also spoke to the Prime Minister of barbados and the current chair of the caribbean countries about the challenges faced by small island developing states in gaining access to test kits and other supplies no country should be left behind and i would like to use this opportunity to appreciate the strong leadership by the Prime Minister of but a bit was steering the response in the caribbean today i also spoke to the president of the European Commission. One day lynn and the Prime Minister of finland sanomat in about continuing efforts across europe to fight the pandemic and support lives and livelihoods the commitment from bowser leaders president van de lame and pres Prime Minister of finland martin is very very heartwarming again i would like to clarify doubly just position on wait my tickets with my tickets as you know i dont import and sort of soften affordable food and livelihood for millions of people all over the world but in many places they have been poorly regulated and poorly maintained that religious position is that when these markets are allowed to reopen it should only be on the condition that they conform to stream gente food safety and hygiene standards governments must rieger as early in 4 response on the sale and trade of wildlife for food. Deadly joe has would causally with the World Organization for any hell and the food and Agriculture Organization file of the United Nations to develop guidance on the safe operation of markets because an estimated 70 percent of all new viruses come from and he mouths we also world together closely to understand and prevent pathogens crossing from any models to humans finally deadly is committed to keeping their would inform in as many ways as possible in as many languages as possible. Viber chat board is now reaching 2600000 people with reliable evidence based information and is a villa bill in 16 languages this week we launched tamil scene hala bull guardian greek italian and hungary m. And we plan to launch polish and bungler next week and im pleased to say that from monday we will be providing same milton is interpretation for this press conferences in all of the shill un languages at a big chinese for ange and i show on and despite each and we would we are also planning to expand to include other languages like swahili and hindi we look forward to having more journalists join us from all over the world i thank you. Youve been listening to talk to. Who is the director general there in geneva giving part of his daily announcement and briefing to the International Press corps confirming over 2000019 infections 135000 dead and real concerns about the increase by 51 percent of reported cases in africa or in a 60 percent increase in deaths lets bring in our diplomatic editor james bays he was also listening in to that and based on the briefings the u. N. As well today james one wonders about sort of the diplomatic fallout of all of this weve been hearing a lot about the war of words between china and the u. S. And President Trump has been tweeting again blaming the chinese i believe in covering up really the numbers of deaths this is not going to play out at a time when the w. H. O. And the secretary general of the u. N. Want uniformity in fighting the pandemic. They want to Work Together they say the only way to fight a disease that doesnt respect borders is for all countries to operate together interesting though he mentions the whole issue of wet markets because its suggested possibly that this started in will harm in one of those fresh markets saying that they do need to be properly regulated properly maintained i think a nod there against some of the allegations against china but this is a very savvy director general of the World Health Organization he does have a medical background hes an expert on malaria he is a doctor but he then made his way up through the political process of and he actually started off as a doctor born although hes ethiopian born in eritrea or what is now eritrea was then part of ethiopia and he says that he was inspired to get involved in medicine following the death of his brother at the age of 3 or 4 years old but later he became the Ministry Minister of health in ethiopia he became the foreign minister and pretty clear hes a savvy political operator as the director general of the w. H. O. Hes got President Trump warring with him but look at the names he name dropped during that News Conference president marcotte france hes spoken to recently hes spoken to the president of the European Commission hes spoken to the Prime Minister of finland making it clear he is still very relevant he is still the global coordinator trying to deal with this farce. And of course james what we are expecting to hear certainly from. The press conference that will continue at the w. H. O. Is obviously how the w. H. O. Will continue to try and procure the p. P. Equipment that is so so rare at the moment in terms of where to get it from and the countries that are all fighting for it including the u. S. Including the u. S. Including the u. K. Those are 2 of the richest countries on earth where this certainly is not over yet it may have reached a peak it may have reached a plateau but still theyre running out of supplies for example and in the u. K. They believe theyre going to run out of gallons potentially over this weekend thats a real worry there now if you cannot find these sort of supplies all of the protective equipment but also what you need to carry out the testing if you cannot find that into g 7 countries the u. K. And the u. S. The richest countries on earth then what hope of some of the other countries that are much further down the list in terms of their Global Wealth and in terms of the sophistication of their medical systems so yes real real worries obviously potentially one of the things that is good about the way this virus is spread is because people in richer countries tend to travel more it seems to a spread 1st in the developed world but the developed world is really struggling what hope for the developing world what help for africa what hope for places in the middle east the war zones in the middle east what about help your syrian refugee if youre living in yemen if youre living in libya very very worrying times indeed youll continue to monitor that press conference and we will speak to you later in the day for the moment james thanks for joining us from the u. N. Now to china where the coronavirus pandemic has stopped decades of Economic Growth while the countrys g. D. P. In the 1st 3 months of this year shrank for the 1st time since records began and the news comes as the government revised the death toll and where the pandemic began or officials now say 50 percent more people died than previously reported from beijing between a year reports. The coronavirus pandemic has Strained Health systems around the world and now its caused the uninterrupted growth of the worlds 2nd largest economy to falter for the 1st time in decades for the 1st quarter of 2020 chinas g. D. P. Contracted by 6. 8 percent thats when the current external situation complex domestic demand remains comparatively Weak Companies still face difficulties such years insufficient demand and the drop in orders preventative measures so chinas Economic Activity slowed to a trickle 2 months local infections have eased and some businesses and factories have resumed operations but Many Companies are on the brink of collapse feed this situation is dire or disastrous for me ive got no idea how i can get through this year chinas National Statistics bureau says the economy the bounce back in the 2nd quarter and long term growth born to be affected the Global Demand plummeting its economy faces an uphill battle the pandemic has been spread out early. Which leads to a lot of countries including the us and European Countries into our recession so our doubt will lead to the increase in demand of chinas. Chinas central bank has cut Interest Rates and provided tax breaks and subsidies to businesses in need but analysts say its broad enough to stabilise employment finding work will be more difficult for graduates and Migrant Workers especially. And while Economic Growth has plummeted chinas corvette 19 death toll has been revised upwards after a formal review officials in the original at the center of increased the number by 1290 saying previous records were incomplete chinas coronavirus count has been adjusted several times in recent months this latest change is further stealing suspicion over the accuracy of government figures many critics believe that the official tally is about 82000 falls well short of the real numbers on the ground katrina aljazeera. Now telling her means under investigation after nearly 200. 00 residents were found to have died since the start of the hour break the facility in milan is suspected of concealing numerous covert 19th a tallit east since february its one of the biggest in europe there are also allegations that staff were told not to wear personal protective equipment for fear of frightening residents well over the u. K. The government says it will start including care nursing home deaths in its official count after public pressure for not revealing those numbers Health Secretary matt hancock confirmed more than 2 percent of the total deaths from the virus is happening in care homes but comes as the top Public Health expert says britain was too slow to act on the corona Virus Outbreak professor Anthony Castello to question the areas that led to the slow response now the death toll has risen on friday to more than 14000. 00 people and staying in the country the u. K. Has announced a new government led task force and millions of dollars worth of funding for corona virus vaccine secretary of state the Business Energy and industrial strategy sharma says its a key to controlling the outbreak. One of the ways that we can defeat this virus is to find a vaccine just as it would develop the smallpox vaccine in the 18th century we need to apply the best of british scientific endeavor to the search for the crowbars vaccine to that end i can announce today that the government has set up a vaccines taskforce to coordinate the efforts of government academia and industry towards a single goal to accelerate the development of a Coronavirus Vaccine now to the u. S. President donald trump has suggested some states could reopen the business within weeks but as covert 19 keep spreading Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says more testing needs to be done and the galahad reports its what President Donald Trump calls a science based plan to get the United States back on its feet hes issued guidelines in 3 phases that advise each state when they can begin to reopen and what doctors say will be a new normal america wants to be open and americans want to be open as ive said for some time now a leisure shutdown is not a sustainable long term solution. To preserve the health of our citizens we must also preserve the health and functioning of our economy over the long haul the 1st phase calls for social distancing and for schools and businesses to remain closed but some larger venues including restaurants and movie theaters could reopen if states see a steady decline in coronavirus cases they can move to phase 2 in which schools some businesses including bars could open big gatherings remain limited the 3rd phase will allow workers to go back to their jobs and for at risk people to continue to take precautions we took the greatest economy. In the history of the world and weve closed it in order to win this war and were in the process of winning it now our approach outlines 3 phases in restoring our Economic Life we are not opening all at once but one careful step at a time democratic speaker of the house nancy pelosi called the plan vague an inconsistent citing concerns over the need for Rapid Testing oh the corona virus has taken a harsh toll on the u. S. More than 30000 people have died and there have been over 600000 confirmed cases 22000000 people are now out of work wiping out a decade of job growth President Trump says the u. S. Will be back and greater than ever but this is a delicate process that comes down to a state by state county by county basis some states manta phase one as early as friday others face a far longer slog Business Leaders governors and scientists warn a shortfall in testing could hamper efforts to reopen the country that decision now lies with each states governor in some States Coronavirus case is a yet to peak and as a risk of the virus making a comeback in the months ahead personal Protection Equipment for Health Workers is still in short supply but even if you are in phase 123 its not ok game over its not its going to be a way that we protect ourselves because as we know and as ive said from this podium it may very well be as we go the cycle around that theyll be this virus that once the compact to us i think were going to be able to handle this is a cautious approach to reopen the Worlds Largest economy something President Trump has long wanted to do the challenges for each state a huge the dangers of making the wrong decision now crucial and as yet theres still no vaccine and a gallica aljazeera. Germanys Health Minister has declared the pandemic manageable once again he says the success is the result of a month long lockdown in response to an early surge in cases germany has the 4th highest number of cases in europe behind spain italy and france kane has been following events from berlin. The German Government is cautiously and quietly confident that the measures it has put in place these past many weeks are helping it to deal with the corona Virus Outbreak the pandemic in their country because they look at the data they look at the many many tests being performed in this country and are able to tabulate that and it tells them which direction the coronavirus is going in lets be clear whats being done in the building behind the robert cock institute collecting all the data and making conclusions drawing conclusions on the basis of those many tests being performed and from their perspective they believe a positive turn has occurred. Beautiful children saw the basic reproduction number in germany is currently an average of 0. 7 there are of course regional differences but it shows that the rate has decreased further so on average it means that at the moment not every and 50 individual has in fact another person. On the basis of information like that the Health Minister yes and his colleagues in cabinet are able then to take other measures and that explains why next week the restrictions on some freedom of movement will be loosened thats why people will be able to go to certain shops certain stores but also we need to be clear here there is a still a large degree of caution in the governmental approach schools will not reopen until the 4th of may large demonstrations large social gatherings are still banned until but basically until the end of the summer so its clear that although the government is cautiously confident there measures are still very much in place. Many canadians are coming together to help societys most vulnerable all profit groups and volunteers have mobilized over the past few weeks to get the goods and services to those that need it most david most as well from calgary in western canada. Its a sign of the times in cities across canada empty restaurants closed temporarily to prevent the spread of the corona virus but while thousands have lost their jobs staff at this calgary restaurant are determined to bring some good out of the bad things important to us that you know that were not throwing up to this can be used in especially in in this tough time that this food goes to people that need it. Thats where lotus one and her team come in her Charitable Group leftovers redirects food from businesses that have closed their doors today theyre picking up 55 kilograms of prime rib beef its just a fraction of the food theyve redirected in the past week we have about 10 to 15 calls a day we have an army of volunteers that are out there redirecting food in their own vehicles from restaurants to Grocery Stores and bakeries and were getting that food to people in need so that its consumed within 24 to 48 hours this delivery is going to a home for the families of children with serious illnesses or injuries and whose immune systems are weak staff say the donation comes at a particularly stressful and uncertain time for the 2 dozen families living here the home for Dinner Program is a real comfort for them you know theyre they spend long days at the hospital they get to come back to the houses and there is dinner on the table its nutritious its well thought out its provided by a Smiling Faces that goes a long way as cases of coping 1000 continue to multiply across canada volunteer groups have sprung up here in calgary and across the nation on offer everything from free food and medicine drop off to Online Counseling Services and dog walking for people who can. Leave their homes calgarians have also turned to social media to offer their help and share information sienna holden is one of the administrators of a group thats grown to more than 14000 members in just over a week thats what keeps you going through a time like this is being able to see to see goodness in the world to know that its not all dark and scary and if we are going into the unknown no you know weve got each other after work sienna picks up groceries for and immunocompromised woman whos reached out on facebook while kopek 19 has changed the way we live she and other volunteers prove that generosity and compassion are here to stay david mercer aljazeera of calgary canada. What you all just overheard me say hello robin a reminder of our top news story is chinas economy has shrunk for the 1st time in decades its g. D. P. Was down by nearly 7 percent in the 1st 3 months of this year and the government says 50 percent more people have previously reported dead in. The u. K. Has also announced a new government led task force of millions of dollars worth of funding for corona virus vaccine the u. K. s business secretary says its key for controlling the outbreak one of the ways that we can defeat this virus is to find a vaccine just as it would develop the smallpox vaccine in the 18th century we need to apply the best scientific endeavor to the search for the crowbars vaccine to that end i can announce today that the government has set up a vaccine is task force to coordinate the efforts of government academia and industry towards a single go to accelerate the development of a Coronavirus Vaccine. An italian home is under investigation after nearly 200. 00 residents were found to have died since the start of the outbreak the facility in milan is suspected of concealing numerous covert 0. 98 february there are also allegations that staff were told not to work personal protective equipment for fear of frightening residents President Donald Trump has unveiled guidelines to reopen the u. S. Economy but it will be up to governors to decide when to ease the lock downs in their respective states new yorks governor has called for more help from the federal government with testing so the state can lift lockdown restrictions once its past its peak theres been another slight drop in people being admitted to hospital but under coma says its too soon to be complacent those weather headlines ill be back with the aljazeera news hour in half an hour but next its inside story with Bernard Smith do stay with us. With cities in lockdown because of the Global Pandemic working from home has become the new normal for many so what are the benefits challenges and will this change the way we work this is inside story. Hello welcome to the program im burnitz the coronavirus pandemic has fundamentally changed the way we live in just the last few months governments trying to halt the

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