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This is a new life in london coming up in the program the u. S. State Department Designates hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh a global terrorist and announce sanctions against him. Donald trump signed an order to keep the Guantanamo Bay prison camp open and possibly send eisel fights is that. A judge says usa gymnastics dont tell larry nasir is now known to have sexually abused two hundred sixty five girls. And the triple tree gazes as parts of earth see a blue moon super moon and a total new clips rolled into one. And im. With all your sports as arsenal sign gap a nice strike a medic obama young for a club record seventy nine Million Dollars that and more transfer deadline news coming up later in the program. So the u. S. State department has designated the political leader of hamas as mohammed a global terrorist and slap sanctions on him it means any u. S. Based assets he holds will now be frozen amasses the palestinian faction which is de facto ruled the gaza strip since two thousand and seven it is already considered a Terror Organization by the United States the hamas officials have also been added to the list that is me is not. Just for the beginning i want to know what religion is for this reason we are considering this statement of the foolish statement committed by people who know nothing about what freedom for. Well its not honey i was born in a refugee camp west of gaza city he was close to her master spiritual leader of the late shake up with yes seen but he was relatively unknown until he headed the hamas list that won the palestinian election in january two thousand and six and then became Prime Minister he was elected to be her masters political chief in may last year seen as pragmatic and flexible in his attitude towards israel where u. S. State Department Correspondent robin jordan has more now from washington d. C. Because of the state departments designation east while honey is personal finances if he has any in the United States will be seens to he wont have access to them he also would never be able to get a travel permit to come to the United States u. S. Persons would also be banned and face possible prosecution if they provide any Financial Support to honey speight apartments coordinator for counterterrorism nathan sales was in tel aviv on wednesday where he made the announcement about one of the reasons why honey a is being sanctioned now and here is the president of Hamas Political Bureau is also closely tied to the groups terrorist operations including attacks on Israeli Citizens and he has been a member of hamas and the one nine hundred eighty s. And he rose through the ranks in large part continually championing terrorism against israel the u. S. Typically does not telegraph ahead of time whether its going to put someone or an entity on this special list and thats because it wants to resist political pressure either from people within the u. S. Government or from other countries that said it probably would be fair to assume that the Israeli Government would be pleased with this designation in large part because. Just in december called for a new intifada against the government in large part because of Donald Trumps decision to recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel well earlier the European Union knows that it will give an extra fifty three Million Dollars in aid to palestine following the u. S. Decision to withhold its funding these Foreign Policy chief Frederica Maruti made the announcement to during his meeting in brussels. And the aid cannot come soon enough for the two Million People in gaza where an israeli blockade has led to a worsening humanitarian situation iran can reports on the day to day challenges its people are facing. Is crumbling. The siege imposed by israel and egypt now in its eleven pm and three walls have left its infrastructure in ruins everything is in dire need of repair or replacement buildings roads house says. This is a shot day a refugee camp mowen abu dujan this house is not fit for human habitation according to the local United Nations agency yet theres no money for even basic repair much less extensive reconstruction. We are a family of eight People Living in a small house until now we can provide food and ive got to expend knowledge i only have two small rooms the house is too small and its falling to pieces the blockade dictates the day to day reality for two Million People in gaza where israel controls the borders space and walters goes an Economic Experts are warning that even if help is given immediately as security and humanitarian situation might be unavoidable many youth dont but. Many of the first they want to leave gaza they want to leave anywhere the social. Good i says and go under but its. Hey in ramallah the news that the israelis are talking about a billion dollar deal to ease humanitarian suffering in gaza has been met with skepticism and experts are wondering what any deal might actually maine or what because that really needs is an entitlement a serious entitlement effort led by the by the studios i dont think about very sorry lives of the botty to speak of all the development of gaza at a time when its why and is putting forth for the bed the development of gaza many blame israel for gazas current state but others also say that the rift between the Palestinian Authority and hamas the largest Political Group in gaza has meant that things have stagnated gaza remains under siege imran khan. Now that its long been symbolic of the grave human rights abuses committed during the socalled war on terror and now the u. S. President donald trump has decided to keep the new tourists Guantanamo Military prison open through an executive order is pretty says a brac obama promised to close it but failed but what will this mean in reality as defense correspondent Patty Callahan reports thats not playing. A big stage and a chance to make good on a big Campaign Promise us President Donald Trump announced a new side executive order he will keep the controversial Guantanamo Bay military prison open in the past we have foolishly released hundreds and hundreds of dangerous chair. Only to meet them again on the battlefield including the isis leader alabang. When we captured who we had when we were released both of those statements are just not true im still leader. He was released in two thousand and four by iraq and according to the u. S. Director of National Intelligence of the seven hundred fourteen get mowed detainees that have been released one hundred twenty one are suspected of returning to the fight thats around seventeen percent the executive orders as detainees can be transferred to the prison but it doesnt mean they will be it gives the secretary of defense ninety days to decide if anyone should be sent there a decision to do that would be controversial to many across the globe the International Community needs to condemn the latest statement from donald trump President Trump saying that he will keep the president and we know it doesnt we know it costs of awesome and we know that the human rights abuses manifold and thats a stain on any Justice System there are forty one detainees still being held in guantanamo the majority have not yet face trial and even those cleared for release are facing an uncertain future as the Trump Administration decides if others will meet the same fate patty calling aljazeera Washington Well lets take this on with my would he who was a prisoner of Guantanamo Bay and he was detained without charge from two thousand and two was one hundred fourteen years later in two thousand and sixteen joins us now via skype from mauritania is capital know that shot rami to welcome to the Program First of all let me ask you what your reaction to Donald Trumps announcement is. I think youre late for having me. Actually its very bad the lady said the Million Dollar day for whom allowance. For this and him being this complete disregard and complete contempt. To all of the rule of law and to all of this part of the world who i am is just beyond him i really said i wish people decent people around the world can do and or poor as it of course donald trump says it is necessary in the climate current climate to have a facility like this to have a facility where enemy combatants can be kept. I know people who agree with donald trump we called him in this part of the world extremist they completely agree with him they want places like greece were called for. Fight against the socalled. And yes they agree with him but decent human beings regular muslims in this part of the world they dont war that they dont who are not only young people to be kidnapped and taken to a place with no crimes what except the arabs or muslims and yes its really bad really sad and lets not only talk about downtown this isnt about this part of the world us three and the middle east those going to retire in regimes without them people like donald trump the could never see Something Like this they could never were the one providing them people we are the one helping the people i was kidnapped by my own government with the United States of america too so its just come back to Guantanamo Bay the torture was is well documented of course in kuantan of a bay but of course a person cannot be brought to trial if such events have taken place do you think there will now be a case of more innocent people being placed in Detention Centers like Guantanamo Bay as a result of Donald Trumps new policy here. Im afraid yes because donald trump made no secret that he doesnt like muslims he does like let you know he does like black people hes very clear the problem were going to oppose hes decent human beings all around the world whether christian you atheist or muslims are we going to band together and oppose donald trump we did not elect them ok i just one final question im sorry to interrupt were just running out of time you were of course eventually released in two thousand and sixteen once you left kuantan about briefly tell us did you receive enough support to to reenter to be rehabilitated in life as it were. As interested. Government it had absolutely none whatsoever to use this time to this point in time then as it is denying me my people i can not seek medical treatment i can he not go outside this country to see medical treatment that when i suffered abuses at the hands of the United States of america we have they have we have we are still in this portable going to animal bit i hope that people of course these decisions we all band together and stand for human rights one of the rule of law and people who dont really want to know the people no one should remain in iraq innocent people ok mom and we appreciate your perspective on this thanks very much indeed for your time this will have to do us a lot he was a prisoner at Guantanamo Bay the u. S. President avoided criticizing russia in his speech and now hes threatening to release a classified document that alleges and he trumped by the f. B. I. Which is investigating his links with russia democrats say the trial of ministration is trying to discredit the inquiry a White House Correspondent can be held at a small. Thank you and God Bless America goodbye for many people it wasnt the text of donald trump state of the union speech that made headlines instead it was his unscripted comments as he left the chamber referencing a secret memo purporting to show top Law Enforcement tools were used for political purposes of the twenty sixteen president ial election was released for iraq the war on the. Right. Its a classified memo written by Top Republicans and members of the House Intelligence Committee they allege it shows a misuse of power by the f. B. I. And Justice Department under the Obama Administration will investigating the Truck Campaign during the u. S. Election republicans on the House Intelligence Committee voted on monday to release the classified memo to the public despite protests from democratic lawmakers am the department of justice the memo al the partisan decision to make it public have only intensified the controversy surrounding the inquiry by special counsel Robert Muller into accusations of Russian Election meddling a potential kulu with the trump president ial Campaign Democrats argue it is all part of a wider effort by republicans and the white house to undermine the moeller investigation by continually raising questions about its fairness this week a top f. B. I. Official announced he was stepping down after trump personally criticized him on twitter for having ties to the Democratic Party and recent reports suggest trump himself wanted to fire muller thank you still thank you. Very well youre going straight story the russia investigation has clouded trumps presidency from the start yet as truck checked off his list of what he sees a successes in his first year. There was barely a mention of russia in his state of the union speech and despite an almost unanimous vote by legislators to further sanction russia for interfering in the u. S. Election the white house on monday decided not to move ahead with those sanctions the white house has received a classified memo and says its under review the president now has five days to make good on his promise to make it public kimberly aljazeera washington. One person has died another seriously injured after a train carrying republican congressman including House Speaker pull ron collided with a vehicle in the u. S. State of virginia if issues were headed to a policy retreats when the passenger train slammed into a garbage truck the white house says no members of congress or the stuff was seriously injured. And u. S. Judge says more than two hundred sixty five people have come forward to say they were victims of convicted sports talk to larry now says hes back in court to be sentenced for more sexual abuse charges around sixty people are expected to have their statements Reading Court over allegations that nazri abused them to delete klopp in the u. S. State of michigan nasa was sentenced to up to one hundred seventy five years in jail earlier this month for assaulting a one hundred fifty women and girls during his time as a doctor for the u. S. Gymnastics team were among his victims were limpid medalists including u. S. Gymnast simone biles who won four golds and a bronze in the two thousand and sixteen rio games in an interview biles praised the judge who presided over nices for sentencing and explained how difficult it was to speak out. I think its very hard for someone to go through what ive gone through recently and its very hard to talk about. But i think. She gave it to. Let him get any power over any of the girls and letting the girls. Powerful he cant hurt you anymore he. Can. Coming up on this news from london. That hes struggling to bring up twenty children through a double bombing in somalia which left behind fifteen year old from. The u. S. Wraps up its emergency aid to puerto rico even though they still have no electricity or Running Water for the herkimer. And the russian president speaks out about his countrys athletes not being allowed to compete under the flag of the Winter Olympics details coming up in sport. To british law is seeking to get saudi arabia suspended from the u. N. Human Rights Council over its own human rights record the kingdom is accused of arresting dozens of political activists and detaining them without charge. Its a case that has been given little attention given the recent state of affairs in saudi arabia thirty of its citizens detained without charge another thirty one who have apparently simply disappeared no one knows where they have gone or whether theyre being held nor have they been charged with any offenses a violation of saudi and International Rules say the british lawyers who authored the report into the arrests and are now calling for the un to suspend the government of saudi arabia from the human Rights Council if they are committed to human rights and the instruments that they signed up to as well as International Law then theres no need for the suspension if they put that into practice but those who breach provisions of International Codes should not be allowed to do that and still sit on a council that reviews human rights around the world with the double standard should be stopped much may have been made of the recent changes in saudi arabia since the countries of the throne Mohammed Bin Salman assumed a wider role women have won the right to drive the last country in the world to have lifted that ban and a high profile corruption crackdown against members of the elite two significant attention around the world but human Rights Groups say while these actions are part of a determined effort to change saudis troubled image the reality is far removed from that vision of change dissent is silenced calls for change our sense it and even messages on social media can invite imprisonment and punishment the fact that both simple activists. Jean according to our accounts and maybe more now that this new report has emerged r. J. Soley for the human rights activism and this is absolutely not acceptable and i mean that the efforts of the crown prince to brand himself as a reformer cannot fly in the face of such blatant Human Rights Violations as a member of the uns human rights panel. There is much pressure on saudi arabia to fulfill its duties in that capacity one way would be to get key allies such as the u. K. A major exporter of arms to the kingdom to convince them to fulfill their legal obligations saudis rulers are expected to visit britain soon but there are concerns as to how much of an effect Prime Minister theresa may would have on pause to respect the values that meant to uphold as members of the human Rights Council saudi arabia may be sensitive about his image question is how much would it be prepared to prove that its willing to accept change within the kingdom sunny valuable aljazeera london well as we know two men whos an International Law specialist in the cofounder of the get a thirty seven International Justice chambers which is an organization which aims to prevent the recurrence of Human Rights Violations joins us now from washington mr cobb and so what do you make of this its not really likely to make any difference is that well i think the report itself is is a damning indictment of human rights situation in saudi arabia but its something that weve all known for some time. Obviously calling for them to be suspended there is there is the power to do that through the u. N. General assembly but when you see that there are states like syria iran north korea that sit on the council that have not been suspended its its unclear how successful this will be but the report is very well very well researched very well drafted and sets a number of very clear recommendations that need to be followed one wonders how its possible and indeed what is the point of having a human Rights Council that that has members with such human rights records behind them. Well absolutely i mean the fact that side arabia sits on the human Rights Council brings the institution into disrepute eyes do a number of other states beside saudi arabia in particular has one of the worst human rights records in the world yet it occupies a very prominent place on the council there was having been in the human Rights Council just last week when the United Arab Emirates had its own review one of the comments that i made is that its become almost like the Eurovision Song Contest of International Justice where where states applaud their neighbors in front of states and dont really use it as an opportunity to force change and real change needs to be made in these states now and thats the thing is there is nothing to geishas is going to say thats the thing because nothing is straightforward in International Justice is that and the Interest Community is complicit in many ways that it is absolutely complicit when we see states like my own Government United Kingdom where they have a very important trade in arms deals with side raised which is which is that in turn im committing war crimes in yemen of course there is a level of complicity and and states have to accept their responsibility in allowing a regime an autocratic regime such as the what we see in saudi arabia to continue to Fly International more to talk of human rights defenders and use this Anti Corruption drive as some kind of a smokescreen that that reform is is being brought forward when its not its just a purge of of critics and political opponents and the International Community needs to recognize that a need to take action. I tell me its great to get your perspective on this type of cabmen International Specialists appreciate that thank you. Having explosions or wrote yemens capital sonorous society Led Coalition targeted weapons stores used by the hooty rebels the controller City Residents say there were at least five raids by Coalition Warplanes on wednesday. The french president tomorrow micro his one turkey against launching a full on invasion of africa and in Northern Syria turkey has been attacking the kurdish region for more than ten days and several hundred people are reported to have died is controlled by the y. P g which is a Kurdish Group that turkey considers to be a terrorist organization seventy deca as this report. Solidarity with the people of africa this protest is in the kurdish run area in northeast syria where people say they feel betrayed coming on and then i dont know for we condemn the turkish state we condemn russia because had it not been for russia giving the green light turkey would not have been able to attack a free russia and turkey but your fate and end will be at the hands of the heroes of the y. P. G. Just like the end of ice. In african funerals are held for fighters from the Peoples Protection units all white. Turkey considers the white p. G. A. A terrorist organization but fighters from the Kurdish Group across syria make up the backbone of the u. S. Backed Syrian Democratic forces crucial and the most effective in the battle against until. This is said to be video that is an area close to the border with turkey that has been heavily targeted sources have told aljazeera that most people in these areas have fled due to the heavy bombardment. From the u. N. Estimates around fifteen thousand are now displaced inside the region about and were also told there been civilian casualties after random shelling in turkey denies this and says it only targets why peachey positions turkeys offensive is now well into its second week the village where the smoke coming from it is inside syria now turkey has been shelling these border air. On a daily basis i was also supported on the ground by Free Syrian Army fighters this is the Syrian Rebels that turkey supports and they have a presence here in turkey along the border. We spot a few Free Syrian Army fighters on the side of the road they are rarely seen this openly in turkey turkey has brought many of these f. S. A. Fighters from syria and they are now waiting along the border for orders to advance we managed to speak to one of them who tells us the battle wont be easy record that. Were facing quite a few challenges first the weather didnt help us as it was foggy and raining second the why p. G. Has advanced snipers thats why we are taking it slow or trying to control these mountains first. Turkeys a but the moment is to secure its border area with afy. Air strikes and artillery can be heard all along this area but were told that the y. P. G a while preparing to enter the terrain this could be a long and difficult fight Stephanie Decker on the turkey syria border well plenty more still to come here on the Program Including the scandal surrounding germanys top kill makers and their use of monkeys in a mission test its the German Parliament just how much did the government. We need a photographer who witnessed the turning point of americas war in vietnam captured it all comers. And new England Patriots dog tom brady discusses his injury concerns just a few days out in the super bowl. We got a good mobile fade in the weather across the southwest and prosecute now the latest band of cloud of gray blustery shallow as felt in the way in a lovely suspecting of salecl out there across scotland and Northern Ireland at a low continue to make its way further south which is because for the next few days the main rain bad will sink south was just brought some rather live he wrangle showers into could possibly northern france recently added to the flooding problems but the main system is now easing further south with so some wet weather some Winter Weather over the outs the good old covering of snow once again over the alps mixture of rightness snow there into northern parts of spy but into the southeast of europe jenny fun and dry cold want to moscow people from moscow temperatures now hot around minus eight degrees celsius that warms up as the snow rolls in for friday and the snow bands still stretching its way down across the alps and west the weather them to move the piles of italy western side of the bed its right now but for much of northwest europe its going to be a cold side yes a northerly wind talking in ice house in london. It will be dry with some good spells of sunshine now some weather that we have around the mediterranean also affecting the fall both west africa well its about in a batch of around sixteen degrees celsius but rather cloudy that fortune is the same this with a high of ninety degrees. We have your zip data we know the products of from buying everything that youre doing thats really where the power of the all powerful internet is both a tool for democracy and the threat do you believe that any of your companies have a den of fide the full scope of russian active measures on your platform in the echo Chamber World of fake news in cyberspace the rules of the game of change there are no precedents people in power investigates this information and democracy at this time when i. Discover a wealth of Award Winning programming from around the world need more and fine professional is a top priority is to get me to study fine palace whole documentary debates and discussions as im going to need to be critical of almost any and all sexism chattering perceptions the contours of this story are shaped by the interests of the countries involved only on aljazeera. Again a reminder the top stories here on aljazeera and the u. S. State department has put the senior political leader of hamas just money on his terra blacklist imposed sanctions on. The us President Donald Trump has signed an executive order to keep the Guantanamo Bay military prison open with skin or defies predecided to shut the facility down. And the u. S. Judge says more than two hundred sixty five people have now come forward to say they were victims of convicted sports dr larry hes back in court to be sentenced for more sexual abuse challenges. The u. S. Government is winding down its design to puerto rico despite thousands of people still being without power after arkham or even four months ago many fuel stations banks and supermarkets have reopened nearly all phone Services Operational politicians in the territories capital criticizing the u. S. Federal Emergency Management agency for ending food and water shipments with no power all the thirty five percent of residents still do not have a way to safely store food in refrigerator speed not suggesting rivera who is a professor of social science that each university in question rica joins us now live on skype from san juan tell us first of all whats your reaction to this news is that the aid is going to be wound down. Well its quite unfortunate given that the font you say its seals and out of the chain of these two future and also that that that we are still in kind of kind humanitarian crisis especially especially in the countries sites so this shouldnt be should if it needs to look it should be those that this tribune of salt and water the metropolitan areas in there in the coastal areas but not in the concept are you saying then you say its outside of the chain of distribution what do you mean just tell us what are conditions like what are people lacking one of them having to put up with that the road infrastructure is still in shambles there are places where you cant reach i mean isolated communities and a concept that you cant reach because that it just collapsed so it in in terms of in terms of that chip debt the general situation the coastal areas and the metropolitan areas they are are fine are going back to the way they where but not in the countryside so fema should to temporize those comments and say that we are going to be those that this division but not in the countryside so resident said to us citizens at birth what did people say when the president makes this kind of announcement. Yes and its very unfortunate again and i think there there is shit that their their advisors should put that into context in terms of or should advise the president had to be careful with its comments because comments like that produce a lot of onsite the import forty books that are people here including myself who do not have power since here again airmen and who do not have power in their homes and so so bad increases that the side of the population of course and i guess we we are. We are going back to the way we wear beef which is quite unfortunate but again that that shouldnt be were still American City says were not acting for more were asking for equal treatment and im going to just tell us to send a little bit more what when you say we are without power what does it actually mean that means no water that means no fridges what else isnt there that there are places that get their water from wells that means there has to be a pump present in the home that meets and reseating so that that if you dont have. Aqueducts or Water Service like in the metropolitan areas like in san juan that means that there is also if you dont have power you. Dont also have water now i live in in the middle center want near the university of puerto rico and i havent had power since since youre against earmarks thats one hundred forty seven days almost in three days it will be by month status on a separate bill in any part of the United States and we have city sense with the men that that that the promise of the repairs so we can see if we can get on with our lives so they were very present your time thanks very much thank you so much. Because you know opposition m. P. Has been arrested after the staged inauguration of raillery dinner on tuesday the mock swearing in of the Opposition Leader in nairobi was condemned by the government as a form of treason it t. J. A country the lawyer and m. P. Who swore i think in was arrested on wednesday afternoon three t. V. Channels that cover the ceremony and also been shut down. It was one of the worlds most deadly attacks in recent history more than five hundred somalis were killed in twin bombings in mogadishu three months ago among them paramedics and Civil Servants but many of the dead what was said parents and the attack left more than one thousand five hundred forty children orphaned for me to mina says reports. Medina mohammed plays with her three month old grandson has and his grandmother is looking after him because his mother was one of the hundreds killed in the twin bomb attacks in mogadishu last october ive asked and was just eleven days old when the bombs went off as well as has since mother two of medinas other daughters and niece were killed their bodies were never found. The most difficult thing is that ive been left with twenty children to look after im really old now and a calm provide for them a cumber them houses can do anything for them the only way we are surviving right now is money from well wishers it is not enough for all of us. The truck bomb blast and a Second Attack later the same day killed five hundred and ninety people injured hundreds more and orphaned at least one thousand five hundred and forty children in most cases their extended families are looking after them no one claimed responsibility for the attacks but Police Suspect ill shabaab fighters may have planned it the truck bomb blasts completely devastated this area where a Popular Hotel once stood since the last Summer Business owners have come back running a makeshift restaurant some of the customers here were injured in the explosion but people here say they want to support the hotel that for them its a show of defiance a smile is part of a local fund raising group as the injured were rushed to hospital the group began collecting money to help them families and local businesses affected five Million Dollars was raised very remarkable this city has gone. It is a great city and problems so are going to be able to get all of them together every pro. Then came once and for the International Community or other peoples or other governments come to form their own and then hoping to other. Following the explosions tens of thousands took to the streets condemning the attacks. Latina and her grandchildren are a small part of a Large Community of survivors still in recovery she says despite the pain and loss all have family can do is move on from aljazeera look at issue. The first coast guard has called off the search for the head of the firm that owns the popular surf wear brown quicksilver who was reported missing at sea. Went fishing early on tuesday and later sent a message that he would be returning late because the folks his boat was found washed up on a beach near his toes. In germany opposition m. P. s are demanding else has from the government about a scandal involving well known car makers and secret tests and talks exhaust fumes a Research Group funded by b. M. W. Daimler involves why it is reported to force volunteers and monkeys to inhale Diesel Engine exhaust fumes when it came has more from berlin. And. These are troubling times for germanys carmakers. And news of the emissions test some volunteers and monkeys on behalf of b. M. W. Daimler and fox sparking a shock to many including v. W. Chief executives who issued a rapid apology up discus the now it may mean a statement that i consider such conditions to be unacceptable i can only apologize for these facts on behalf of our company to all affected i can only ensure that the processes in our company are reform to such a way that such conditions will no longer occur in the future daimler quickly followed suit announcing the suspension of a Senior Executive and condemning the terrorists is just the latest emission scandal for the german car industry the diesel gates affair where socalled defeat devices were fitted to engines to pass emissions tests has barely faded from the headlines these new revelations are prompting more this is the last thing the current acting government wanted to happen as it tries to build another coalition for this unfolding parliamentary term its also raised questions in some minds about just how closely aligned senior government ministers are with the Motor Manufacturers the environmental lobby is particularly incensed the dock of. Politics has been bearing to the car industry for years we are experiencing a situation where the car industrys b. M. W. To dime lots of folks walking in hanover and munich are effectively governing and even in the government in the form of the chancellor Angela Merkel helped broker a deal late last summer when the major manufacturers committed to steep productions in damaging emissions to the environment a Volkswagen Company video shows actions taken to remedy what many considered to be a Public Relations disaster. The also most of industry is very important to germany creating many jobs and export revenue helping to make it the motor economy of europe which explains why the ethical questions now being asked of b. M. W. Daimler and v. W. Have such potentially profound implications dominant kain aljazeera. Hong kong has voted to ban all youve resales members of the Legislative Council passed a bill that will completely abolish the market within the next three years it includes a ban on hunting trophies and every taken from elephants off the nine hundred seventy five china imposed about a live resells last month its like a really great moment in. Conservation hong kong is always. Very specific. Anywhere where theres a. Legal and. Illegal trade thats whats been happening for years and happening right now. Its vietnam is marking fifty years since the battle that ultimately forced the u. S. To end its war that museum in washington d. C. Is also showcasing the work of a young photographer who spent three days with u. S. Marines at the bloodiest single battle of the war john olson who photographed the telephones stars and stripes newspaper tells us about his experience. Im john olsen im cofounder of a business name three d. Photo works this is a series of photographs i made as a young combat photographer in one thousand nine hundred sixty eight during the tet offensive in one thousand nine hundred eighty seven i was a nineteen year old u. S. Army draftee in saigon with incredible job i was the only photographer assigned to the newspaper stars and stripes id heard that the battle for a was vicious fighting there i was met by a number of eighteen nineteen twenty year old marine and i spent three days with them they were taken heavy casualties and it was a totally new experience tet is a vietnamese new year that celebrated every year and in one thousand nine hundred sixty eight january thirty first was the beginning of tet the ancient city of way was thought to be a significant target if the north vietnamese could capture that the populace would rise up and the country would follow and in one hundred sixty eight there was a surprise attack the north korea the maze and and the vietcong launched attacks throughout all of South Vietnam there were more than a hundred cities and outposts attacked and the city of way was overrun it was something no one expected on the morning of january thirty First One Hundred sixty eight the marines were sent into why to do what they called was a mop up of a couple hundred north vietnamese when they got there they were met by ten thousand heavily on and and heavily dug in enemy its the only exhibit that im of aware of where we can look back in time fifty years and see eighteen nineteen and twenty year old men and then jump forward fifty years and hear how this battle affected the rest of their lives. Keeping in touch with the rest of the world. To do the. Business updates. Going places together. Business updates. Going places together. And again across routes may well find that what building built in rural mexico has become a lifeline for indigenous communities but the government says the ultra low cost service could be breaking the law and will repel a has a story now from what haka. Healed reese is paying his mobile phone bill forty or roughly three dollars for unlimited calls for the money as a municipal employee in the town of something ness in southern mexico that is his most valuable tool for coordinating public works up until a few years ago however something this population seven hundred fifty was just one of countless areas left in the dark by Telecom Companies that was until a Nonprofit Group called the indigenous communities Telecommunications Network came to town. It is helped a lot not only for this community but for the people of two or three neighboring towns who come here to use the service has been a big help. For years the police had gone out to sell Service Providers to expand their coverage but without a profit incentive Telecom Companies arent known for making investments in rural villages some estimates suggest that more than forty percent of mexicans live in areas outside of cellphone reach. But with the installation of two when tennis and a single call routing system half the population of Something Else isnt how connected at a price they can afford there is a problem however the Mexican Government has charged the Nonprofit Group who built the network nearly one million pesos about fifty two thousand dollars to operate. Said to me that you can make a thousand calls in a month and it wont generate any cost its only going to cost me to call Long Distance so i dont think its for but as we say the government is the government and theyre always trying to apply their titles when theyre through the mobile phone network why do people have something this can finally Contact Emergency Services make Long Distance calls or simply order a cab members of low income communities invest their own money to create the network locally sourcing materials to build an entire Communications Infrastructure the result is mobile phone and Internet Services and almost ninety eight percent. Lower cost than other providers in mexico. The network is still new and far from perfect but locals seem thrilled to have any service at all yet back or Public Workers like that hell the user own network is about more than just content to be it means the members of his community are being better served by little up on the. Block in mexico or let me underscore his peter. Thank you so much one of the most highly anticipated deals of the january transfer window has been completed arsenal have signed pm eric obama young from the riskier daughter and for seventy nine Million Dollars the gabbin international comes to the English Premier League with an impressive scoring record he netted ninety eight times in one hundred forty four bundesliga games he was also the twenty fifteen african footballer of the year six that placed arsenal could do with him after a three one loss to relegation threatened swanzy on tuesday. Heres a look at some of the Major Business on deadline day that obama young deal was part of a cycle of transfers thats all mitchie but sure i believe chelsea for dortmund to replace the globe on international with the blues signing French International food Olivier Giroud from also will go and then international andre are you has rejoined swanzy from west ham in a twenty six Million Dollars deal and Brazilian International lucas mora completed a move from p. S. G. To tottenham who had a huge night in the e. P. L. More on that in a moment now mesut ozil has signed a new contract at arsenal making him one of the e. P. L. As biggest earners the german world cup winner payne the three year deal and will pocket just under half a Million Dollars per week. Now we do know who will compete in the final of the african nations charity opposed to morocco will take on nigeria in the final the moroccans had a tough time booking their place they needed extra time to secure a three one win and nigeria had to play just over half an hour with ten men but hang on to be today one though the entire board of directors of usa gymnastics has resigned the u. S. Olympic Committee Deadline set a wins they did line for this to happen as a condition to avoid being terminated as the governing body for the sport in the states this was in the wake of former u. S. Gymnastics team doctor larry nasa sentencing of up to one hundred seventy five years in prison on Sexual Assault charges more than two hundred sixty five women have accused her of abuse and on wednesday he was back into space more of these victims in a food seem to sing hearing. You are the most vile disgusting creature ive ever met scum of the earth is too high of a title for you and i hope you realize that you will never have any power over anybody for the rest of your life because standing in this courtroom today and having my voice here is a huge step in my personal healing process and i know that my story will help to prevent this from ever happening again because well it cant russian president Vladimir Putin has apologized to the russian athletes who wont be heading to pyongyang for the Winter Olympics in december the i. O. C. Issued a ban to russia for systematic manipulation at the twenty fourteen winter games of the anti doping system however the door is open for the countries are free to participate under the banner of the limbic athletes from russia putin added that he believes the reasons for the band went beyond sport. When your solution you are going to support it is twice as difficult when sport is near the sun events which are definitely unusual and strange to sport with superficial circumstances politics or anything else. Couldnt protect you from that but you and all sport fans should not have any doubt that russia will always stand for as it is always done with the idea of clean sport were just four days away from super bowl fifty two when the new England Patriots will face the Philadelphia Eagles and patriots Quarterback Tom Brady is still trying to brush aside concerns over an injured throwing hand the fourteen year old will appear in his a super bowl and is given little away about the injury but n. F. L. Media reports say hes had twelve stitches removed. My hand its Getting Better i mean its not quite where i want to be. So im just trying to protect it the best way i can i was obviously very important. Part of my body for a quarterback so i just wanted to be as healthy as possible for the game on sunday so. Its an arm or just made of for me. Its a great glove its got a lot of recovery in it and thats what i need this time as for the Philadelphia Eagles their head coach Doug Peterson is getting ready for a tactical battle of note come the super bowl on sunday its a chess match i mean thats thats what these games every every weekend is about you know in making sure that you know our moves are sort of one step ahead but at the same time if something is taken away then we have to adjust in make sure that we can we can still run the football south africa will be looking to put the squeeze on india in the six match one Day International cricket series starting in durban on thursday so there forget have only lost five times in twenty nine home o. D. I. As against india since one thousand nine hundred two and kept in fifty plus he says hes bowlers already targeting weaknesses they did take to be in the indian batting line up in the test series they just won two one. The good thing no surprise that we can tell you the wonder is that. From a betting point of view they still have a few few injuries we can mike we feel like weve got some we had some good plans in the taste match to certain but its. Just if you can keep if you keep. Those guys quiet in the early doors of the series you feel like you can as a batting unit you keep in mind the pressure. Dont do in every seat is that people are. Thinking of doing something which hasnt been done before. Is not something that you would think of before to achieving it. Just adds extra pressure which is not needed and just an update from the e. P. L. As promised taught them hotspur have beaten second place Manchester United to know while chelsea were upset at home by bournemouth three no most sport later nic peter thanks very much indeed now lucky stargazers have had the chance to witness something that hasnt happened in decades as a Lunar Eclipse and coincided with the moon and robert oulds took in the spectacle in los angeles for an hour or so the familiar face of the moon slipped on a blood red manske a spooky transformation that delighted luna fanatics including a large group that gathered outside the Griffith Observatory high in the hills above los angeles to celebrate the celestial spectacle. M. E. U. The end. Its really exciting i think for those of us who dont quite remember our School Astronomy lessons heres a Lunar Eclipse works of course the moon orbits around the earth and the earth casts a shadow. And when the moon goes through the shadow cast by the earth again a Lunar Eclipse and why does the moon turn red sunlight is filtering through earths atmosphere and thats turning the light red it filters out the blue and lets the red through just like a sunset looks red because the blue is scattered away and the red comes through so we like to say sometimes that during a Lunar Eclipse youre seeing if you were on the moon youd be looking at all the sunrises and sunsets on earth ancient greek astronomers who studied Lunar Eclipses concluded from the shape of the earths shadow that the world was round many people who watched Lunar Eclipse said it was in a way humbling putting human kind and all of its petty affairs in perspective those thoughts absorbed this Multinational Group of students who stayed up way past bedtime to moon. It makes us feel like all our problems are like the political in the nicety something goes on in so small compared to what else is going on but like i said it brings everyone here together like forgetting all the issues theres no theres no niceness around this everyones just brought together to appreciate it with no ugliness no Political Drama nothing its just to appreciate this beautiful event even mind as to how we are how small we are in the world you know just a tiny part of the universe and its amazing to feel maybe. This eclipse took place when the moon is closest to the earth in its elliptical orbit a socalled super moon and its the second full moon in a calendar month known as a blue moon that means this was a super blue blood moon which is kind of a mouthful but whatever you call it it was a heavenly sight to remember robert oulds aljazeera los angeles. A valid is it for me in a cloud for this news hour but i will be back in just a cover minutes with another full hall of sports news. Ahead of the september twenty Fourth National Election Survey showed a satisfied for the state of their economy this is easily estonias biggest tech Success Story the company was bought by microsoft in two thousand and eleven we bring you the stories that are shaping the economic world we live in counting the cost at this time on aljazeera aljazeera as their want us to embrace the good schools today to see what happens next which im sure. It fired by the barriers where mobile barricaded all seven streets that we need to hear the movies now is being all about change people have gone to hear the area the mission of the National Army is just sixteen point complex and im just your stories about telling it from the peoples perspective what they think is happening in their culture. News has never been more available its a constant barrage that they put every day but the message is a simplistic you have no frame good logical rational person crazy monster and misinformation is rife dismissal and does not well documented accusations and evidence is part of genocide the listening post provides a critical counterpoint challenging Mainstream Media narratives at this time on aljazeera. Aljazeera. Switch and. The u. S. State department does it makes hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh a global terrorist announces sanctions against him

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