photo by: Contributed
Enough trash to fill five Olympic-sized swimming pools was uncovered at the construction site for the U.S. Engineering Metalworks plant at VenturePark.
After massive amounts of buried trash were discovered on the site of a new manufacturing plant in the city’s business park, city leaders will soon consider increasing the economic incentives for the project to help offset the cost of the cleanup.
As part of its meeting Tuesday, the Lawrence City Commission will consider adopting a resolution to authorize an increase in the 10-year property tax abatement for the U.S. Engineering Metalworks plant, according to a city staff memo to the commission. To help offset the estimated $1.5 million cleanup costs, the property tax abatement would increase from up to 70% to up to 90%, adding approximately $700,000 to the value of the incentives package for a total value of about $4 million.