The Acclaimed defeated D3 and Fuego del Sol
This was The Acclaimed's second match back as a team following Anthony Bowens' knee injury as they returned last night on Elevation. Bowens flew in the ring with a hangman’s neckbreaker, pulling D3 down into a backstabber/lungblower from Max Caster. A short time later, Bowens hit a flashy uranage and Caster came off the top with an elbow drop for the win.
Mike and Matt Sydal defeated David Ali & Aaron Frye
Ali was singled out by the Sydals for most of the match. Frye got in to break up a pinfall attempt from Mike after a standing moonsault. He then hit a sky high on Mike for a near fall. Mike used a matrix-esque move to evade a clothesline and tag in Matt who hit Frye with a fisherman's buster. The Sydals then hit him with a double lightning spiral for the win.