Kwesi Pratt Jnr, Managing Editor of Ghana’s The Insight Newspaper, is most probably little known to us in Nigeria. But last week, he spoke from Accra where he is domiciled, and became an instant hit on the social media. He may not be resident in Nigeria, but in this age of globalisation and real-time information dissemination, Pratt is very well informed about Nigeria’s sociopolitics, especially because of the hallowed place Nigeria occupies, not just in West Africa, but across the continent and beyond.
As guest on a current affairs programme on a Ghanaian television station recently, Pratt found himself dilating the recent virtual meeting between the United States Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, and two African leaders, Presidents Muhammadu Buhari of Nigeria and Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya. It was an opportunity for Nigerians in particular to hear from a brother nation, impressions and perspectives about where we have found ourselves.