The House has passed a bill that includes a $10 million start toward stabilizing a slope along this stretch of Lake Shore Drive near Lake Waco, shown in a file photo taken when much of Koehne Park (lower left) was flooded.
Rod Aydelotte photos, Tribune-Herald
Waco leaders are hailing the passage of a bill that includes $10 million in federal money for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to head a complex project that could prevent a section of Lake Shore Drive from plummeting into Lake Waco.
The House passed the new Water Resources Development Act earlier this week and sent the bill to the Senate. While the path in the Senate is less clear, U.S. Rep. Bill Flores said Friday a possibility the Senate is considering is for the act to become part of an omnibus 2021 spending measure, which also might include a coronavirus relief and stimulus package. The fate of the legislation is still being negotiated in the Senate.