List of People Worked In The Positively True Adventures of the Alleged Texas Cheerleader-Murdering Mom
1.Mark Antonucci
2.Bill Bence
3.Ellen Bernfeld
4.Megan Berwick
5.Catherine Best
6.Nelly Bly
7.Dan Chopin
8.Dana Cole
9.Michael Cooper
10.Kyle A. Heinrich
11.Frankie Ingrassia
12.Travis Kemmer
13.Shaun Kring
14.Michael Lapins
15.David Levine
16.Janette Mathers
17.Carrie Mayo
18.Christine McCarren
19.Michael McDevitt
20.Melissa McLean
21.Michael Messenheimer
22.Joshua Pease
23.Frederick S. Pierce
24.Alex Shantzis
25.Brian C.L. Shelley
26.Melissa Silverman
27.Lucy Simon
28.Thomas A. Smith
29.Renee Soulie
30.Richard Thomas
31.Janis Uhley
32.Attila T. Vari
33.Mike Watkiss
34.Ron Regan
35.John North
36.Paul Rolnick