BY Rural Radio Network Staff | January 30, 2021
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The sheep and goat market in the Midwest for the week ending January 29th was mixed to lower. Texas noted the sharpest drop in price across several auctions. Northern sales saw limited receipts as a major winter storm blanketed several states with deep snow. Some in the industry are keeping a close eye on the coming week’s prices to see if the late winter high has been established ahead of Spring. Passover/Pesach and Easter are now just over a month away and buyers for these holidays may already have much of their orders filled and are holding to see if the market softens before buying their final needs.
The sheep and goat market in the Midwest for the week of January 15th was steady with higher undertones in most sales. The broader commodity sector received a lot of data this week and felt more volatility than recent weeks. Even with the volatility corn and soybean moved to highs not seen in 7 years. [.]
The first week of 2021 sheep and goat cash prices seemed to follow the broader commodity sector with higher prices. The regular USDA reporting sales showed significant volume of sheep and goats from the lighter December sales. Seasonally early in the year is a higher market for sheep and goats. Sheep and goats are still [.]