Joaqlin EstusIndian Country Today Renowned (Rosebud) Sicangu Oyate spiritual leader and activist Chief Leonard Crow Dog died Sunday at Crow Dog s Paradise on
Minnesota asks Washington to repeal Indian banishment
Minnesota s request to overturn a federal law that threw Dakota and Winnebago Indians out of the state can become a way to teach about mistreatment over the years, Native Americans and a state legislator say.
Written By:
DL News Staff | 3:54 pm, May. 29, 2009
Minnesota s request to overturn a federal law that threw Dakota and Winnebago Indians out of the state can become a way to teach about mistreatment over the years, Native Americans and a state legislator say.
The 1863 law banning the two tribes has been replaced with presidential and congressional actions, and Dakota Indians live on four Minnesota reservations, but the law remains on the books. Rep. Dean Urdahl said on Thursday it is past time to repeal it.