Construction of a 16-lot residential subdivision in Mills River is underway.
Sixteen single-family homes will be built in the subdivision, called The Cottages at Hayes Mill, on Old Haywood Road.
It s considered a major subdivision based on its size, which required Planning Board approval, according to a staff report from Town Manager Daniel Cobb to the board.
The Planning Board unanimously approved Moore & Son Site Contractors subdivision application at its Feb. 16 meeting. Plans were first reviewed by town staff for ordinance compliance.
No traffic impact study was required, according to the meeting minutes.
A sign at the 16.3-acre site says home prices will begin at $350,000. Brian Kirk, with Moore & Son, told the board all of the houses will be spec houses of around 1,500 square feet and would not be sold as lots alone, according to the meeting minutes.
Concord police log: Jan. 18 - Jan. 24
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The following are excerpts from the Concord police log for Monday, Dec. 28 through Sunday, Jan. 3. The log is public record and available for review. All persons are presumed innocent unless found guilty in a court of law.
Monday, Jan. 18
3:41 a.m.: Vandalism was reported on Old Bedford Road.
12:24 p.m.: A traffic complaint was reported on Fitchburg Turnpike.
2:56 p.m.: Vandalism was reported on Old Bedford Road.
3:01 p.m.: Larceny was reported on Estabrook Road.
4:08 p.m.: Suspicious activity was reported on Monument Square.
4:13 p.m.: An animal complaint was reported on Macone Farm Lane.
BISHOPS HULL 05/20/0057: Installation of roof mounted solar PV panels on former coach house at Elm Farm, Rumwell Park Lane, Rumwell
BISHOPS LYDEARD 06/20/0060: Erection of a storage building for machinery to replace previously demolished garage building at Wombat Cricket Club, Watts Lane, Bishops Lydeard 06/20/0062: Replacement of porch with the erection of a two storey extension to the front of Oakdene, Dene Road, Bishops Lydeard 06/20/0063: Conversion of cottage into 2 No. dwellings with erection of first floor extension over garage and replacement of porch at The Mews, Dene Road, Bishops Lydeard 06/20/0064: Erection of Photovoltaic Solar Panels and associated works at Land at Sandhill Park, Bishops Lydeard - Variation of Condition No.03 of planning permission 06/10/0044 (to extend the time limit restriction of operational life of the solar farm)