Dantes Verse: Vergils Herkunft Dantes Verse Bild: Natascha Vlahovic Vergil tritt in der Commedia als der Führer Dantes auf. Aber seine Herkunft aus Mantua bringt ihn in riskante begriffliche Nachbarschaft. 2 Min.
Die Brüste deckt, die von dir abgewendet,
Und deren Haar ganz auf der andern Seite,
Ist Manto, die durch viele Länder irrte
Und die sich niederließ, wo ich geboren,
Wovon ich gern dir noch erzählen möchte.
E quella che ricuopre le mammelle,
che tu non vedi, con le treccie sciolte,
e ha di là ogni pilosa pelle,
Manto fu, che cercò per terre molte;
Final Fantasy VII Remake and Devil May Cry 5 Voice Actor Brad Venable Has Passed Away
Brad Venable, who voiced in many videogames such as Devil May Cry 5, Final Fantasy VII Remake, and more, has recently passed away.
Brad Venable, a prolific videogame and anime voice actor who played V’s familiar Griffon in
Devil May Cry 5, recently passed away. Following his wife’s permission family, friends, and other members of the voice acting community made the new public on January 8th with tributes and personal memories:
You saw the best in all of us and brought it out. You treated me like family, and called me your little brother. You motivated & inspired us. Our bond & friendship these past few years is something I will treasure forever. I love you @bradvenable I miss you brother ❤️ pic.twitter.com/URPRVRgPro