Researchers led by the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) have used swarm learning - a novel, artificial intelligence technology - to detect blood cancer, lung diseases and COVID-19 in data stored in a decentralized fashion. Their findings are reported in Nature .
Countless coronavirus vaccination myths get shared on the internet. Some claim that getting a jab causes infertility, while others say it can manipulate human DNA. DW investigates.
Why COVID-19 vaccines can t change our DNA - DW fact checker Joscha Weber explains
Claim: mRNA vaccines manipulate human DNA
DW: False
It is easy to get DNA and RNA confused, two similar abbreviations that relate to genetic material. But they re very different.
DNA contains the genetic blueprint that determines our bodies various traits. Viruses such as SARS-CoV-2 have RNA that stores their genetic material.
But RNA is also found in the human body, and plays a role in protein synthesis.
Viruses tap into this mechanism to reproduce in human cells. The human body, however, recognizes these intruders by their protein spike, producing antibodies and t-cells to fight off the virus.