Received: Single storey extension to own residence, The Hideaway, Newby Bridge Road, Windermere. For Mr Mrs John & Mary Bernadette Holden. Installation of pay and display machine, Cow Bridge Car Park, A592, Hartsop. For Mr Nathan Leadbetter. Erection of two-storey side extension, single-storey rear extension and alterations to front steps, 2, Knipe View, Bampton, Penrith. For Alan Mackenzie. Proposed jetty extension and formation of track through garden from garage to jetty, Lake House, Lakeside, Ulverston. For Claire Witt. Loft gable window (replacement and enlargement), 1 Moss View, Brigsteer, Kendal. For Mr and Mrs Blissett. Proposed amenity block and bike hire facility to service existing caravan and camping site, Fearon Place Farm, Kinniside, Ennerdale.
TROY, N.Y. — The Collar City recently received a $400,000 grant to create its first official connection to the recently completed Empire State Trail, Mayor Patrick Madden announced.
Grant will help Troy connect to Empire State Trail
News staff
TROY – The city will use a $400,000 grant to create its first official connection to the recently completed Empire State Trail.
According to Mayor Patrick Madden, Hudson River Valley Greenway grant will be used in the creation of a separated trail across the Green Island Bridge that will link the city s existing urban bike and pedestrian trail network to the 750-mile statewide system that runs from Buffalo and the Canadian Border in the north, to New York City.
The aid will create a trail head at the Green Island Parking Lot (located in Troy immediately north of the Green Island Bridge). The project will directly connect Troy’s Riverwalk to the Empire State Trail by installing a protected bicycle and pedestrian trail on the northern side of the bridge, Madden s office said.