We move inevitably closer to the moment where the Black Lives Matter terrorist movement engages with the wrong citizen, and we find out if they truly represent the shock troops of establishment and operate with the total monopoly on violence the site has seemingly abdicated (since police have decided to cede over this role after the burning of the 3rd Precinct in Minneapolis in May of 2020).
Black Lives Matter militants took to the streets of North Portland on Thursday, in a march for Patrick Kimmons, who was shot by police in 2018 after a gang shootout on the streets late at night.
A driver was reportedly beaten and held against his will, another had his back window destroyed and shots of some sort were fired by the AK-47- and AR-15-wielding terrorists. Multiple sharp sounds were heard followed by the sound of whooshing air after the militants flattened the tires of a car the gun-wielding crowd had forced to stop. The man was “aided” to the sidewalk, as a live-streamer put it (see the video below).
Antifa/BLM terrorists wield guns as they block citizens from traveling on public streets.
The driver in the video above had his keys, gun, and tools stolen out of his truck, according to Portland police, who finally showed up to take a report in response to an apparently false claim that someone had been hit by one of the cars.
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Ending the Pandemic Means Getting Vaccinated. But Many Oregonians Will Be Hard to Convince. These groups, and others, will need to drop their opposition to vaccination for the shots to work statewide. (Wesley Lapointe) Updated January 6 As Oregonians wait to get a COVID-19 vaccination, many overlook that we are all waiting on our fellow Oregonians to get vaccinated as well. Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, recently estimated that as many as 85% of Americans need to get the vaccine to bring the pandemic under control. Without that kind of vaccination rate, the virus can still spread rapidly, and even people who ve been vaccinated aren t fully guaranteed they re safe.