Recent news about the FBI sting operation using an encrypted messaging platform gives rise to other high-tech leveraging for crimefighting such as the use of AI self-driving cars.
It is mind boggling to realise that the phrase Radical Economic Transformation has found its way among all the people who have been caught with their fingers in the “cookie jar”.
Waihi-Coromandel Police Report for 16 March
17 Mar, 2021 07:00 PM
3 minutes to read
Bay of Plenty Times
Last week in the Coromandel area there were six people arrested for breach of bail and warrants to arrest. A search warrant was executed, a rock met a windscreen, light-fingered crooks were active and the spectre of family harm reared its ugly head again.
Monday 8 March
Police executed a search warrant at a Kensington Rd address in relation to the robbery of Waihi Super Liquor that occurred on February 26. A suspect was arrested and police are investigating further lines of inquiry to identify the second offender.