According to depositories data, FPIs invested Rs 15,282 crore in equities between June 1 and 25. At the same time, FPIs withdrew Rs 2,568 crore from the debt segment.
According to depositories data, FPIs invested Rs 15,282 crore in equities between June 1 and 25. At the same time, FPIs withdrew Rs 2,568 crore from the debt segment.
Emerging market stocks struggle amid surge in Covid-19 infections
Last Updated: May 04, 2021, 02:57 PM IST
Taiwan s main stock index, one of the strongest performers in Asia so far this year, was 1.7% down in a second consecutive day of heavy losses, amid a rare rise in infections.
In India, encouraging corporate earnings were offset by uncertainties around the pandemic.
LONDON: Emerging market stocks struggled to make headway on Tuesday as Taiwan and India wrestled with rising COVID-19 infections, with the latter seeing cases surge past 20 million.
Taiwan s main stock index, one of the strongest performers in Asia so far this year, was 1.7% down in a second consecutive day of heavy losses, amid a rare rise in infections.