St. Louis Public Safety officials say up to $19.5 million might be necessary to fix and upgrade the St. Louis City Justice Center locks, doors, control panels and other security measures.
Q&A By
Sameer Rao | May 2, 2021, 8:02 PM EDT People working to end anti-Black racism in the United States criminal justice system recognize that the struggle does not end with addressing officers use of force. For Jamila Jami Hodge, it also requires tackling prosecutorial biases in tandem with both the government and the Black and brown communities most devastated by state violence.
Jamila Jami Hodge
As director of the Vera Institute of Justice s Reshaping Prosecution project, Hodge unites local organizations and activists with prosecutor s offices to enact data-driven and racially just solutions. Most recently, the project announced partnerships with prosecutor s offices in Virginia and Missouri that aim to reduce racial disparities throughout the system by at least 20%. Hodge is pursuing this goal through a mix of data collection on racial disparities, education and policy advising.
Rantz: State funneled federal COVID relief to radical political groups, all based on race February 16, 2021 at 2:10 pm
Broken windows at a Tacoma Aladdin Bail Bonds. Some activists find cash bail racist. One group is trying to end cash bail for that reason. In the meantime, they ll pay for a suspect s bail. Now, federal tax dollars helped. (Jason Rantz, KTTH)
The Washington State Department of Commerce gave federal COVID relief tax dollars to nonprofits pursuing radical political agendas. Tax dollars even went to indirectly bail criminals out of jail.
The selection process for funding was based on race. And some of the vetting seems influenced more by ideology than by need.
An inmate revolt at a Saint Louis jail criticised for the conditions under which inmates are housed has caused advocates and legislators to reiterate calls for government transparency and increased protections for inmates as the COVID-19 pandemic continues.
More than 100 inmates took over two units of the City Justice Center (CJC), a city-run jail, at about 2:30am (7:30GMT) on Saturday morning, setting fire and breaking windows. It was the third protest over COVID-19 protocols and conditions inside the jail since December.
“They are demanding proper heat, they want proper [personal protective equipment], proper clothing and they want proper visits from their families”, Tracy Stanton, an activist with St Louis’ branch of Ex-incarcerated People Organizing (EXPO), said during a Sunday press conference.
Former 1st Presbyterian Pastor Tim Tinsley Dies After Hard Struggle With Cancer Monday, February 1, 2021
Rev. Tim Tinsley
Rev. Tim Tinsley, former pastor at First Presbyterian Church, died Saturday after a hard struggle with pancreatic cancer.
Rev. Tinsley in recent months had written updates on his painful condition under the heading Thoughts of a Dying Man.
He had resigned as pastor of the church in January 2019 as he and his wife, Laura, joined an organization to work in evangelism and mentoring in cities in the U.S. and abroad.
Rev. Tinsley said at the time, We are not leaving First Presbyterian, and we are not leaving Chattanooga.