Dr. Gabriel Fluhrer Recommended For Next Pastor At First Presbyterian Church Monday, April 19, 2021
Dr. Gabriel Fluhrer and family
The Pulpit Search Committee at First Presbyterian Church is recommending Dr. Gabriel Fluhrer to the congregation to be the next senior pastor of the historic Chattanooga church.
Dr. Fluhrer will preach at First Presbyterian on May 9.
He will be just the 14th pastor at First Presbyterian in its long history dating back to the early days of Chattanooga.
The most recent pastor, Dr. Tim Tinsley, died earlier this year.
Here is what Dr. Fluhrer shared about himself and his family:
I was born in Ohio in 1978, one of four boys, while my father was completing his doctorate. From there, my family moved around, following my dad’s career as a college professor and administrator. My mom taught English as a Second Language for most of her career. Eventually, our family moved to Greenville, South Carolina, in the late 1980s and that was home for most o
Former 1st Presbyterian Pastor Tim Tinsley Dies After Hard Struggle With Cancer Monday, February 1, 2021
Rev. Tim Tinsley
Rev. Tim Tinsley, former pastor at First Presbyterian Church, died Saturday after a hard struggle with pancreatic cancer.
Rev. Tinsley in recent months had written updates on his painful condition under the heading Thoughts of a Dying Man.
He had resigned as pastor of the church in January 2019 as he and his wife, Laura, joined an organization to work in evangelism and mentoring in cities in the U.S. and abroad.
Rev. Tinsley said at the time, We are not leaving First Presbyterian, and we are not leaving Chattanooga.
Roy Exum: My February Garden Monday, February 1, 2021 - by Roy Exum
Roy Exum
So here we are, standing in my barren garden, as the month of February arrives. The only promise in the wind is snow, but I know what is yet to come. In just 28 days March will arrive and, with it, the first flowers of hope, the little crocus will emerge and bloom. Then the jonquils. I was a big fan of the great optimist, Rev. Robert Schuller, who taught us: “Never cut a tree down in the wintertime. Never make a negative decision in the low time. Never make your most important decisions when you are in your worst moods. Wait. Be patient. The storm will pass. The spring will come.”