Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom made Oscars history on Sunday night and Netflix was in the mood to celebrate. The film took home the award for Best Hair and Makeup with Mia Neal, Sergio Lopez-Rivera, and Jamie Wilson playing a huge role on the team. This is the first time a Black person won the award for this kind of work. Netflix expects to bring home some more hardware tonight with Viola Davis and Chadwick Boseman also nominated. One cannot stress enough how great the costume work in the period piece was on-screen. You immediately believe Davis as the star presence of Ma and Boseman’s energy as Levee. It might be sad to consider as the movie has to contend with such tragedy surrounding it. But, what a win for the creative team with more to come late this evening.
Fans Enraged Over Chadwick Boseman s Upset Loss at 2021 Oscars
The late actor was widely expected to win Best Actor at the 93rd annual Academy Awards for his role in Ma Rainey s Black Bottom , but Anthony Hopkins nabbed the prize instead. Apr 26, 2021
AceShowbiz -
While Oscar winners may be currently celebrating their victories, some viewers have been left disappointed with the result, particularly the Best Actor win, after watching the Sunday, April 25 live telecast. Leading to the 93rd annual Academy Awards,
Chadwick Boseman was widely expected to win in the category following his wins at other major awards, including Golden Globe Awards and SAG Awards, but that didn t happen tonight.
Frances McDormand Overtakes Meryl Streep as Oscars Queen After Nomadland Victories
On 4/26/21 at 3:35 AM EDT
McDormand collected the Best Actress gong on Sunday night for her role in
Nomadland, a film where she plays the protagonist who goes out on the road after her husband dies. The movie is based on a non-fiction book by Jessica Bruder, which depicts a group of mostly older people who have taken to the road to take up seasonal jobs after the 2008 global financial crisis.
Asian Americans Hail Chloé Zhao As She Makes History at the Academy Awards
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Promising Young Woman and Viola Davis in
After last year’s Oscar sweep by
Parasite, there were those who peddled the myth that lightning will not strike the same place twice. It kind of did in the 93rd Academy Awards, when the Best Supporting Actress award went to South Korean Youn Yuh-jung, for her role as granny Soon-ja in the heart-warming
Minari, beating off competition from Glenn Close’s mad-haired Mamaw in
Hillbilly Elegy. Anthony Hopkins winning his second Best Actor Oscar (he first won for
The Silence of the Lambs) for
The Father was disappointing, even if deserving. The sentimental favourite was the late Chadwick Boseman, who turned in an incendiary performance as the mercurial trumpeter, Levee Green, in
Prince William Drops Out of BAFTA Awards Following Prince Philip s Death
Manori Ravindran, provided by
Variety has confirmed.
“In light of The Duke of Edinburgh’s passing, The Duke of Cambridge will no longer be part of BAFTA programming this weekend,” said BAFTA in a statement. “Our thoughts are with the Royal Family, to whom we offer our deepest sympathy at this time.”
More from Variety
Prince William who is president of BAFTA and normally attends the ceremony with Kate, sitting front and center (pictured) was scheduled to lead a pre-recorded conversation at Saturday night’s craft awards with three-time BAFTA-winning costume designer Jenny Beavan and make up and hair designer Sharon Martin. Their chat would have touched on the struggles of filming in lockdown and the craft of filmmaking in general.