“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.” Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Is the USA about to be cancelled? The nation’s irresolvable affairs festered in an ominous globe of silence through the weekend as the Potemkin inauguration of Joe Biden loomed just days ahead. With actual news scant, rumor frizzled through America’s neural network like political neuralgia, prompting little gleeps of pain in both the Red and Blue camps. Were those thirty-something-thousand troops in Washington DC posted to fend off an attack of white supremacists? What was that strange military aircraft traffic from Rome, Italy, to Oklahoma City about? How come Veep Mike Pence went to Fort Drum, home of the army’s fabled 10th Mountain Division, in wintry upstate New York? The hypothetical Biden Administration is shaping up to be something like a four-year-long séance, a conjuring of apparitions wailing out talking points in a darkened room. The actual location of the inaugural ....