KUALA LUMPUR: Malayan Flour Mills Bhd posted a net profit of RM128.31mil in the second quarter ended June 30, 2021, compared to a net loss of RM4.48mil in the previous corresponding quarter on the back of a one-off gain of RM126.2mil from the disposal of equity in DTSB Group.
BRF SA, the world's largest poultry exporter, said on Tuesday that Saudi Arabia's health regulator had suspended recently implemented rules that had shortened the shelf life of chicken products, a regulation that was seen curtailing imports to the country.
Vasanthkumar Shetty, president of the Poultry Farmers and Breeders Association (Maharashtra), expect the prices of chicken to increase by about 10% to 15%. The current farm gate price of chicken is Rs 87 a kg in Maharashtra.
Store-bought eggs are laid by caged chickens fed an unnatural diet with antibiotics that may be harmful to your health. Meanwhile, farm-fresh eggs are laid by chickens set free on pastures to [.]
LAHORE:University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences arranged a post-budget dialogue focusing on the livestock sector here on Thursday.According to a press release, the representatives from poultry,.