Ecologist, environmentalist, and Greenpeace co-founder Dr. Patrick Moore has a message for the world: carbon dioxide, or CO2, is not bad and does not contribute to so-called "global [.]
According to the most recent reliable federal count available, almost 25 percent of a million people aged 55 or older are deemed by the government to have been homeless in the U.S. during at [.]
Amid all the political insanity of the left these days with its focus on mutilating children and perverting the next generation, it is easy to lose sight of the fact that the right is really no [.]
A takeover is happening across the American Midwest as so-called "green" energy companies abuse eminent domain laws to rob and seize people's private property in order to turn it [.]
Now that the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) scamdemic is over, the World Health Organization (WHO) is busy plotting its next tyrannical scheme in the form of another round of lockdowns, this time [.]