Proposed California legislation would make contracts between labels and artists nearly unenforceable, reducing the incentive for record labels to invest
Chip Baltimore, Senior Fellow, Taxpayers Protection Alliance
Whitney Klasna, Secretary, U.S. Cattlemen’s Association, Rural Agricultural Council of America (RACA)
Lawrence J. Spiwak, President, Phoenix Center for Advanced Legal and Economic Public Policy Studies
In today’s COVID-19-impacted virtual world, teachers assign online homework, patients visit doctors via videoconferencing and farmers use software to increase efficiency. As a result, Americans need reliable broadband connectivity now more than ever. Therefore, the United States must develop and maintain a regulatory regime that promotes investment into our broadband networks. To date, a hands-off, industry-led approach has resulted in massive investment and connectivity. However, there is more work to be done, and subsidized competitors may threaten the private deployment of broadband infrastructure across the country.