All day long, Jenny Marr counts to four in her head.
She counts four bottles, four bibs and the four toothy grins of her identical quadruplet sons: Harrison, Hardy, Henry and Hudson. The boys were born into a global pandemic and recently celebrated their first birthday.
It was easier to keep track of newborns who stay in one place, Jenny said. Then they started rolling, and then came the crawling. Now that the babies are on the move, Jenny’s eyes dart all over the room, counting slowly to ensure they’re accounted for.
One … two . three, four. One … two … three …. four!
The Leaning Tower of Dallas was born on Feb. 16 when the planned implosion of the former Affiliated Computer Services building didn t fully collapse upon detonation. When the dust settled the building s core, containing the stairwell and elevator shaft, remained upright at an angle. For the next two weeks, people traveled from near and far to take whimsical photographs with the tower in the background. The building finally collapsed in a cloud of dust on March 2 after two weeks of being whacked with a 5,600-pound wrecking ball.
Jason & Jenn Baskett
Halley, age 7, was excited to get a chance to see Dallas’ own Leaning Tower after hearing about the implosion gone wrong on the radio and the news. Who needs a trip to Italy when you can take a family day in the big city?!?