The Fugitive Apprehension Services Team is a task force zeroing in on thousands of dangerous criminals who've been on the run over the last three years.
It's a surprise pregnancy for Ashley Ness from Boston because she's carrying a rare set of identical twins with two boys and two girls. She's due to give birth in October.
All day long, Jenny Marr counts to four in her head.
She counts four bottles, four bibs and the four toothy grins of her identical quadruplet sons: Harrison, Hardy, Henry and Hudson. The boys were born into a global pandemic and recently celebrated their first birthday.
It was easier to keep track of newborns who stay in one place, Jenny said. Then they started rolling, and then came the crawling. Now that the babies are on the move, Jenny’s eyes dart all over the room, counting slowly to ensure they’re accounted for.
One … two . three, four. One … two … three …. four!