Providing coverage of Alaska and northern Canada s oil and gas industry
Sidebar: State approves Badami expansion
for Petroleum News
Reprinted from the March 24, 2013 issue of Petroleum News
The Alaska Department of Natural Resources has agreed to expand the Badami unit to include portions of two leases overlying the East Mikkelsen oil prospect but will not include an additional five leases also requested for expansion by two le..
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Smaller expansion
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Providing coverage of Alaska and northern Canada s oil and gas industry
Division denies Glaciers Badami expansion
E. North Slope unit operator lacks sufficient work plan for expansion area, no geo proof of connectivity between unit, new area
Kay Cashman
Petroleum News
On remand from the commissioner of the Alaska Department of Natural Resources, the director of the Division of Oil and Gas denied an application from operator Savant Alaska to expand the eastern North Slope Badami unit in a decision issued on Jan. 22. Savant is a Glacier Oil and Gas company.
As Petr..
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