Press release content from Globe Newswire. The AP news staff was not involved in its creation.
It’s Time Texas awards sub-grant funding through Healthy Kids, Healthy Families® from Blue .
It s Time TexasMay 11, 2021 GMT
AUSTIN, TEXAS, May 11, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) The statewide nonprofit, It’s Time Texas, whose mission is to empower Texans to lead healthier lives and build healthier communities, has awarded $300,000 in sub-grant funding through a Healthy Kids, Healthy Families® (HKHF) grant by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX). The HKHF funding supports BCBSTX’s commitment to community-based organizations supporting children and families who have been impacted by the health, economic, and social implications of the COVID-19 pandemic.
“It’s Time Texas is proud to support the work of these community organizations who are pursuing a pathway to health equity and are working to reduce health disparities within Texas,” said CEO Amy McGeady. “This gap-filling funding will not only support immediate outcomes to address health-related social needs, and will also provide community access to resources and programs offered by It’s Time Texas to build community capacity to sustain and adapt solutions long term.”
“It’s important that we support community-based organizations that are directly supporting children and families who have been impacted by the health, economic, and social implications of the pandemic,” said Sheena Payne, BCBSTX’s director of Community Investments. “Our collaboration with It’s Time Texas allows us to strategically and directly target organizations that are focused on and moving the needle on health equity solutions.”
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Let the games begin.
Sunday’s call by Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins for Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s resignation has set the groundwork for more legislators to follow suit. And certainly in the hours that followed, Democrats who may have been wary to break with leadership began releasing statements echoing the “must resign” argument.