Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom made Oscars history on Sunday night and Netflix was in the mood to celebrate. The film took home the award for Best Hair and Makeup with Mia Neal, Sergio Lopez-Rivera, and Jamie Wilson playing a huge role on the team. This is the first time a Black person won the award for this kind of work. Netflix expects to bring home some more hardware tonight with Viola Davis and Chadwick Boseman also nominated. One cannot stress enough how great the costume work in the period piece was on-screen. You immediately believe Davis as the star presence of Ma and Boseman’s energy as Levee. It might be sad to consider as the movie has to contend with such tragedy surrounding it. But, what a win for the creative team with more to come late this evening.
Black Panther Director Ryan Coogler Opens Up About Grieving Chadwick Boseman
Black Panther fans around the world after the actor’s tragic death last year. Coogler talked to The Hollywood Reporter about his career and his work with Boseman. It’s not hard to imagine how lonely the process to bring
Black Panther II to life is without the series’ star. The actor was the first foundational piece on the way to making the wildly popular Marvel franchise. It was a worldwide phenomenon, but more importantly, Boseman was a friend and colleague to everyone who worked on the film. Sadly, that loss isn’t going away any time soon as there’s still a large task in front of the cast. For the director, he can still clearly hear that voice and that laugh when he closes his eyes. And that’s just staggering to hear as a fan of the first film.
Black Panther star Chadwick Boseman left him with. The Hollywood Reporter caught up with the filmmaker to discuss his role as a producer on
Judas and the Black Messiah. But, the conversation also gestured towards Boseman’s looming absence in Coogler’s next project. The director talked about how the Marvel legend would always press him to move forward. He also noted that the
Black Panther star was the first one attached to the project at all. Therefore, the actor was the motivating force behind everything that followed. That kind of selfless spirit and desire to move forward under duress is something that Coogler carries with him every day. The director also shared that he really didn’t know anything about Boseman’s medical conditions. He completely understands why the star would have wanted to keep that private.
Denzel Washington decided to pay tribute to a new crop of actors including Chadwick Boseman. People realized after the Black Panther star’s tragic death that the veteran actor played a huge role in his career. Washington famously helped pay for the Marvel hero’s education at Oxford. But, there [.]