State Disaster Management Director, Sudesh Kumar Mokhta, said as per information provided by Bhawanagar SHO, two bodies had been retrieved from the rubble at Chaura village on National Highway 5 in Nichar tehsil on Monday.
Authorities issued fresh alerts in Hiroshima and Kyushu with more heavy rain forecast over the next few days. The downpour has already triggered a mudslide near Nagasaki.
Authorities issued fresh alerts in Hiroshima and Kyushu with more heavy rain forecast over the next few days. The downpour has already triggered a mudslide near Nagasaki.
State Disaster Management Director Sudesh Kumar Mokhta said three bodies had been retrieved from the rubble at Chaura village on national highway number five in Nichar tehsil. The search and rescue operation for the rest of the 10 missing persons is underway, he added.