James Rickleffs, a San Francisco man found guilty over two years ago in the 2012 murder of a gay hair stylist, was sentenced to 50 years-to-life in state prison August 3.
Meet Kamala Harris, America s new Vice President
Joe Biden s vice presidential nomination made her name by carefully weaving between moderate Democrats and radical socialists
The old photograph shows two children sitting together by the pond, doing experiments involving tadpoles. The boy has a Beatles-ish bowl haircut; the girl’s hair is “wild”. He is future San Francisco city councilman Aaron Peskin; she is Kamala Harris, the next vice president of the United States.
“I’ve known her all my life,” says Mr Peskin, a doyen of municipal politics who has spent decades serving the city that made Kamala Harris – right down to attending the same kindergarten and school in nearby Berkeley, California. Now 56, he believes their shared upbringing helps explain why she is dangerous to Donald Trump.