Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday will lay the foundation stone of the new Parliament building, in which Lok Sabha will be three times of its existing size and Rajya Sabha will be substantially bigger. The ceremony will begin at 12:55 pm followed by which Bhoomi Poojan and foundation stone laying ceremony will take place at 1 pm. Sarva Dharma Prarthana (inter-faith prayer) will be held at 1:30 pm. At 2:15 pm, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address the gathering on the occasion. According to a release by the Prime Minister s Office (PMO), the new building is an intrinsic part of the vision of Aatmanirbhar Bharat and will be a landmark opportunity to build peoples Parliament for the first time after independence, one which will match the needs and aspirations of New India in the 75th anniversary of independence in 2022.
PM Modi to lay foundation stone of new Parliament building today ANI | Updated: Dec 10, 2020 08:38 IST
New Delhi [India], December 10 (ANI): Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday will lay the foundation stone of the new Parliament building, in which Lok Sabha will be three times of its existing size and Rajya Sabha will be substantially bigger.
The ceremony will begin at 12:55 pm followed by which Bhoomi Poojan and foundation stone laying ceremony will take place at 1 pm. Sarva Dharma Prarthana (inter-faith prayer) will be held at 1:30 pm.
At 2:15 pm, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address the gathering on the occasion.
According to a release by the Prime Minister s Office (PMO), the new building is an intrinsic part of the vision of Aatmanirbhar Bharat and will be a landmark opportunity to build peoples Parliament for the first time after independence, one which will match the needs and aspirations of New India in the 75th ann
ANI - Lok Sabha Secretary-general Utpal Kumar Singh had earlier informed that the agencies will try and finish the construction within less than two years so that 75th year of Indian independence can be commemorated in the new Parliament., , prime minister narendra modi, New Parliament building, Central Vista, foundation laying ceremony, bhoomi poojan