A Visual Record of Daily Life in San Quentin Prison
May 03, 2021 | in Photography
Weeks Stabbing in the Gym 9.24.63 by Rubin Ramirez 2013
Woodside & Noleh Fight / 4.8.66
Divans / 8.2.71
X-Mas Tree / 12.26.75
The San Quentin Project collects a largely unseen visual record of daily life inside one of America’s oldest and largest prisons, demonstrating how this archive of the state is now being used to teach visual literacy and process the experience of incarceration.
In 2011, Nigel Poor artist, educator, and co-creator of the acclaimed podcast Ear Hustle began teaching a history of photography class through the Prison University Project at San Quentin State Prison. Neither books nor cameras were allowed into the facility, so an unorthodox course with a range of inventive mapping exercises ensued: students crafted “verbal photographs” of memories for which they had no visual documentation, and annotated iconic images from different artists. After the first semester, Poo
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