فصل من كتاب فايز قزي “حارس قبر الجمهورية” الصادر عن “دار المشرق”
“حارس قبر الجمهورية” هو الكتاب الخامس لفايز قزي الذي كانت له تجارب مستحيلة في السياسة رواها في متنه من علاقاته بالبعث وميشال عفلق إلى اقترابه اللصيق من ميشال عون وصولاً إلى خيبته من سياسة الجنرال الذي اعتقد يوماً أنه يستطيع أن يستعيد الجمهورية فإذا به يكتشف أن عندما صار رئيساً بات حارس قبر الجمهورية وأميناً للتنازلات الكبيرة التي قدمها على مذبح علاقته مع “حزب الله” ونظام ولاية الفقيه منذ وقّع تفاهم 6 شباط مع الأمين العام لـ”حزب الله” السيد حسن نصرالله. يعيد قزي في كتابه الج
State Rep. Martina White (Image via Facebook)
State Rep. Martina White is the newest member of the SEPTA board. The Republican from Northeast Philadelphia joined the board Thursday as the House majority leader appointee.
“As SEPTA is so critical to the lifeblood of our city, I’m honored to accept this appointment,” White said in a statement. “I will make decisions based on the transportation needs of our residents and the economic realities of our city and state.”
The board consists of two representatives from each of the region’s five counties, four appointees from the General Assembly, and a selection from the governor.
MTA gets $4B federal funding to prevent service cuts, layoffs in 2021
Updated Dec 21, 2020;
Posted Dec 21, 2020
The MTA will receive over $4 billion in federal aid to offset financial losses associated with the coronavirus pandemic. (Staten Island Advance/Jan Somma-Hammel)Jan Somma-Hammel
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STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. Help is finally on the way.
After months of pleas for financial assistance amid the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the MTA is now set to receive more than $4B in federal aid, allowing the agency to hold off on previously proposed service reductions, layoffs and wage freezes.
The massive infusion of federal relief comes after Congress agreed to a nearly $1 trillion COVID-19 economic relief package on Sunday, providing much-needed financial relief for citizens, businesses and government agencies alike.