“Trump says every American can get a coronavirus vaccine by April, but health experts say that’s not likely,” CNN echoed at the time.
“Top U.S. Health Officials Tiptoe Around Trump’s Vaccine Timeline,” The New York Times headline blared, adding: “The administration’s experts tried to find a way to support both the president and the reality of scientific and medical constraints he doesn’t always recognize.”
Flash forward, and the Biden administration on Tuesday announced that any adult in any state will be able to get a COVID-19 vaccination by April 19. Instead of our news media reporting that this was the plan all along, The Post ran the headline: “Biden accelerates timeline for adults to qualify for vaccines.”
Vaccine Eligibility Timeline
Baker announced the dates that all remaining residents and certain worker groups will be eligible for a vaccine.
The Commonwealth’s detailed timeline adheres to the original timeline for the three phases announced in December.
All residents can preregister to book an appointment at a mass vaccination site at mass.gov/COVIDVaccine.
Appointments will be offered based on eligibility and available appointments nearby. It is expected that more sites will come online as part of the preregistration process in April. Vaccination appointments will be opened to any resident 16 years or older on April 19
Timeline for Remaining Groups