Currently, the NHS is in the process of vaccinating the top six priority groups, as outlined by the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation.
These groups include all people over the age of 64 as well as care home residents and staff, health workers and people considered clinically extremely or clinically vulnerable.
Before April 30, the Government is aiming to vaccinate everyone from groups one to nine on the JCVI priority list.
Groups seven to nine include people over the age of 50.
Vaccine timeline: Rollout extension imminent - when will I get the jab? Age groups in full (Image: GETTY)
Vaccine timeline: The Government is aiming to offer everyone a Covid vaccine by the end of July (Image: GETTY)
Timeline: How India prepared for the massive COVID-19 vaccination drive
The nationwide COVID-19 vaccination exercise, pegged as the world’s largest, has been in planning for months. January 16, 2021 / 07:06 AM IST
File image: Medics sit inside a vaccination room during a nationwide dry run of COVID-19 vaccine delivery systems, at a temporary vaccination centre in Mumbai, India on January 8, 2021. (Image: Reuters/Niharika Kulkarni)
Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to launch India’s massive COVID-19 vaccination drive at 10.30 am on January 16 via a video conference.
A total of 3,006 session sites across all states and Union Territories will be virtually connected during the launch. Around 100 beneficiaries will be vaccinated at each session site on the inaugural day.
The ABC11 data team looked into how much of the first dose of COVID-19 vaccine on hand the largest counties in our viewing area have actually administered.
These percentages are for those in Phase 1a, (which includes health care workers fighting COVID-19 and long-term care staff and residents) but don t include the doses for those living and working in long-term care facilities. These numbers from the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services were last updated Tuesday so the percentages are likely higher now.
Wake County: 47%
Cumberland County: 35%
A Wake County spokesperson said they should now be closer to about 51 percent and that they are working to vaccinate the right people as quickly as possible. With Wake County s large population and the number of healthcare systems, this takes longer than in smaller counties, a spokesperson said.