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Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness (Netflix, 3:01 a.m., complete first season): “With so much working against it, it would be easy to assume that
Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness is also bad, seeing as how it’s a throwback to an era that nobody wants to remember, and yet… it’s not. Nobody is going to confuse it for high art, certainly, but what didn’t really work in video games and what didn’t make sense in the Milla Jovovich-led movies surprisingly
does work as a CG four-episode TV show.
Infinite Darkness has room to get through a somewhat complicated plot involving multiple government conspiracies, biological terrorism, and a war in a Middle Eastern country, but it also doesn’t wear out its welcome by leaning too hard on the diminishing returns of bigger and grosser zombie monsters.” Read the rest of Sam Barsanti’s pre-air review.