Watson News by Kay Gibson
Hamburg Reporter
The Tom Gibson Memorial Fishing tournament will be Aug. 21 at the Watson boat dock beginning at 6 a.m. and over at 3 p.m. Each person can enter one fish.
This is a rod and reel event only. Fish must be checked in alive at the boat dock by 3 p.m. Cost is $20 per person.
Prizes will be given to person who has biggest fish by weight. All state fishing regulations apply. 50 percent of the entry fees go to Watson Fire Department. The rest of the money will go to the winners.
The Watson Fire Department will hold their annual fish fry on August 21, beginning at 5 pm. at the Watson Community Building. It will be a freewill donation supper. Lots of good food.
Artist Ms Danica Chappell has worked with La Trobe University scientist Dr Donna Whelan, to create a photographic collage that envelops the La Trobe Art Institute (LAI), with some components captured by one of the most powerful fluorescence microscopes in the country.
Far From the Eye: Darkfield is commissioned for PHOTO 2021 – a major international festival of photography across Melbourne and regional Victoria in its inaugural year.
Ms Chappell said the façade highlights the history of a process that is vital to both her and Donna’s work – photography.
“Photography at its fundamental roots spans both art and science. Whether a scientist is reading a photographic image for a factual analysis, or an art-lover is seeing narrative, shape, texture or tone, how the image is formed holds inherent value and intrigue,” Ms Chappell said.