SWMD and volunteers help remove 23 tons of tires from community at amnesty event
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From left are WC Tau Kappa Beta volunteers Ethan Castle, Brandon McCammon, Logan Hayes, Kyle Howard and Mitchell Belland.
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The Clinton County Solid Waste Management District hosted its annual Tire Amnesty Event on Saturday, April 24.
Local residents and communities were given the opportunity to recycle scrap tires that may have accumulated over time or been found deposited along roadsides and in public parks and 164 participants combined to collect just under 1,600 scrap tires, weighing over 23 tons.
Those tires were then delivered to an area processing facility where they will be recycled into pavers, running tracks, or used for civil engineering and other such purposes.
Wilmington College’s Greek letter organizations raise $8,000 for charitable causes
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WILMINGTON Wilmington College’s Greek-letter organizations raised more than $8,000 in a recent fundraising drive that will benefit a host of non-profit organizations and WC families experiencing recent hardship.
Sigrid Solomon, vice president for student affairs and dean of students, congratulated the students for their leadership. “This is another example of how students are making a difference in their local community,” she said. “This exemplifies two of Wilmington College’s core values community and service.”
Several local organizations are among the recipients of the goodwill exhibited by five fraternities and six sororities.