Veteran IR Executive Has Led Gregory FCA's Investor Relations Work for 15 Years The National Investor Relations Institute (NIRI) has announced that Senior .
W.B. Yeats and his muses: with his wife, George Hyde-Lees; Olivia Shakespear; Maud Gonne; Iseult Gonne.
By James Flannery, Contributor
It will come as no surprise to admirers of W.B. Yeats that this greatest of modern poets was a celebrant of the art of love from the beginning to the end of his long and immensely productive career. But now, thanks to a brilliant and magisterial work of scholarship by Joseph M. Hassett, we can fully appreciate how much Yeats owed to the women in his life – nine women, to be precise, whose alluring mystery held him in thrall and inspired in him the heightened state of consciousness he believed necessary for creative expression.
Joseph M. Hassett | The Lilliput Press
188 pages – €15.00 (Available on Amazon, $16.95, May 1, 2021)
Langan’s Book Mark: 4/4 Stars
This is a handsome and stylish book, both in looks and, more importantly, in its capacity to appreciate the magic of William Butler Yeats’s poetry. It’s written by Joseph M. Hassett, the careful scholar who has penned two important books about him and his poetry and now a third, Yeats Now.
Joseph Hassett has written extensively on Yeats, as well as on Joyce and other Irish writers. He has a Ph.D. in Anglo-Irish Literature from University College Dublin and is a graduate of Canisius College and Harvard Law School. His previous publications include Yeats and the Poetics of Hate, 1986; W. B. Yeats and the Muses (Oxford University Press, 2010); and “The Ulysses Trials: Beauty and Truth Meet the Law (Lilliput, 2016.)