Vaccinated or not, there is just one set of rules when crossing the border
Poland and some Baltic states have exceptions for vaccinated people. Slovakia supports a unified European solution. (Source: Sme)
People who have been vaccinated against Covid enjoy an exception from testing, but when crossing borders they are treated like anyone else.
Two weeks after a person has had their second Covid vaccine dose, they are considered fully vaccinated. There were about 10,000 such people in Slovakia at the beginning of February 2021. They are enjoying the benefit of not having to receive testing to gain exception from the curfew, which applies in Slovakia as part of the ongoing mass testing. Instead of a negative test result, they just use their vaccination confirmation. The basic anti-pandemic measures, like wearing the mask, apply to them just like to everyone else; including the crossing of the country s borders.
reopen on February 8. In-person classes will also be allowed to the final grades of secondary schools.
In addition, the cabinet agreed on opening art schools for individual classes, secondary medical schools and their dormitories.
Attendance for in-person education will have the condition of
a negative test result.
On Friday, the cabinet corrected its decision.
In the black districts (alert 4), schools will remain closed. These are Partizánske, Šaľa, Zlaté Moravce, Revúca, Rožňava, Bánovce nad Bebravou, Hlohovec, Trnava, Žiar nad Hronom as of Feburary 5.
In the dark red regions (alert 3), regional public health authorities will decide about opening schools. Bratislava is in this tier now.
The future of education starts now
Five experts from the world of business and academia shared their opinions regarding the trends that are the most likely to have a transformative impact on education in the next decade.
Illustrative stock photo (Source: TASR)
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The Covid-19 pandemic shut down schools and left kids at home. Both kids and teachers had to adapt to an online form of instruction and it has proved to be a challenge for both. However, this unprecedented situation has also created an opportunity for a deeper transformation of the education system, which would reflect the needs of modern society and the future labor market better. Will this potential be fulfilled? We approached four education experts with a single question:
Veľká rodinná Škoda v ponuke chýba
„Bavili sme sa o tom s kolegami, že keď mám skúsenosti s 1203, mohol by som ju skúsiť oživiť pre nové tisícročie, ale zároveň si myslím, že by takéto auto dnes značke Škoda veľmi pristalo,“ hovorí autor dizajnu modernej 1203.
Pri prvom pohľade si zrejme každý hneď nevybaví starú razdvatrojku , ale niektoré prvky sú celkom dobre čitateľné.
„Chcel som, aby z mojej štúdie bolo cítiť, že je to to auto, ale aby to zároveň nebolo prvoplánové retro riešenie. Navrhoval som moderné vozidlo s odkazom na legendu,“ vysvetľuje Hájek.