Tamil Nadu added 94 deaths and 15,684 new cases to the state Covid registry on Monday, leaving 1,07,145 active infections. While the case tally touched 10.97 lakh and cumulative toll reached 13,651, the state said 9.76 lakh people have recovered from the disease so far.
CHENNAI: Tamil Nadu added 94 deaths and 15,684 new cases to the state Covid registry on Monday, leaving 1,07,145 active infections. While the case tally touched 10.97 lakh and cumulative toll reached 13,651, the state said 9.76 lakh people have recovered from the disease so far.
At least 33 districts in the state reported more than 100 new cases, just as the state tested 1.15 lakh people until Monday afternoon. With 4,250 new cases and 35 deaths, hotspot Chennai continued to report the maximum number of cases and deaths in the state. By the end of the day, active cases in the city were 31,142 compared to 31,535 on Sunday. Though the city has been adding more cases, daily recoveries have been more than fresh cases f
DMK president M K Stalin on Sunday urged Prime Minister Narendra Modi to lift restrictions on states in procuring drugs independently to fight Covid-19. He urged the PM to increase supply of vaccines to Tamil Nadu and decide swiftly on universal vaccination. Stalin wrote a letter to the PM which was signed by all the DMK MPs from Tamil Nadu.
CHENNAI: DMK president M K Stalin on Sunday urged Prime Minister Narendra Modi to lift restrictions on states in procuring drugs independently to fight Covid-19. He urged the PM to increase supply of vaccines to Tamil Nadu and decide swiftly on universal vaccination. Stalin wrote a letter to the PM which was signed by all the DMK MPs from Tamil Nadu.
Picture used for representational purpose only
CHENNAI: Time and technology have simplified almost everything including theft. Want a ‘used’ motorcycle at an affordable rate? Contact an agent, who will put expert thieves on the job and ensure the bike of your choice is at your doorstep. And you can pay through digital wallets.
Muthu, a 40-year-old with 20 years of experience in picking locks of parked bikes, says field workers like himself make `6,000-`10,000 for each job, while the agents make nearly
`1 lakh. While it might take anything from a few hours to three days and a week to choose the target, it barely takes 20 seconds to pick the lock and ride off, says Muthu, who has been jailed several times and is out on conditional bail since January. In a Triplicane neighbourhood recently, he adds, he settled on the target in a couple of minutes, completed the job and called his client.