Kujibikido has recently announced an online lottery campaign with a lineup featuring a variety of Combatants Will Be Dispatched! merchandise based on an.
Aniplex Japan is handling the fall 2020 original anime project
Warlords of Sigrdrifa with their home video releases. They’ve set out the details for their twelve-episode series in that it’s getting a six-disc release that began on December 23rd, 2020. The first volume DVD and Blu-ray are priced at 7,500 yen and 8,500 yen respectively. The remaining volumes are priced at 6,500 yen on DVD and 7,500 yen on Blu-ray each. With the sixth and final set coming up on May 26th, 2021, we now have a look at the cover artwork for it that now lets us see the entire run.
Check out the full schedule below!