In recent decades, the Chinese government has aggressively played catch-up in the wonderful world of espionage, an arena where the true professionals were
American Pleads Guilty to Trying to Spy for China
Posted by Sophie Beach | Oct 23, 2010
A 28-year-old American, Glenn Shriver, has pleaded guilty to attempting to spy for China, though he had not yet succeeded in getting work at the CIA. From Reuters: After spending a year in college studying in Shanghai in 2002-2003, he moved there in 2004 to continue his language studies and to work. He responded to an advertisement to write about Sino-U.S. relations and his contact later introduced him to Chinese intelligence agents, prosecutors said.
He agreed to seek a job in the U.S. government and took the U.S. Foreign Service exam at the State Department twice but failed both times. Still the Chinese paid him $30,000 for his “friendship” and efforts, the court papers said.