With millions of people being vaccinated against COVID-19, travel restrictions are now being eased, allowing people to get out of the house and explore. No matter if you are planning an extended getaway or just a day trip to the next town over, traveling gives you the ability to take you out… Click for more.
Kemp framed the bill as a show of support for Georgia police officers who, he said, âcontinue to sacrifice their lives for the sake of othersâ despite growing backlash from local leaders and communities over recent high-profile killings by police including the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis last year.
Jacobin [jak-uh-bin] (noun) 1. (in the French Revolution) a member of a radical society or club of revolutionaries that promoted the Reign of Terror and other extreme measures, active chiefly from 1789 to 1794: so called from the Dominican convent in Paris, where they originally met; 2. an extreme radical, especially in politics; 3. a Dominican friar; 4. (lowercase) one of a fancy breed of domestic pigeons having neck feathers that hang over the head like a hood.
In The Mummy, Lord Imhotep (Arnold Vosloo), the ancient Egyptian priest resurrected as The Mummy, is named after an actual historical figure of ancient Egypt. What was the real imhotep s occupation?
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said this week it had designated a coronavirus variant first seen in India as a variant of interest, adding it to the growing collection of viral variants it s keeping an eye on.
Vaccine makers are so worried about the chance new variants will escape the protection offered by immunization that they are already testing booster shots and tweaking their vaccine formulas to specifically target some of the more troubling variants.
And doctors around the world are warning that even more variants will arise as the virus continues to evolve inside the bodies of the tens of millions of people it is infecting.
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Mother s Day is this weekend, and if you plan to hold brunch or other celebrations outdoors, the weather will be a factor to consider.
Severe storms some that could spawn tornadoes will impact portions of the central US, while showers and storms track across the Midwest. Snow showers will fall in the Northwest mountains, and cooler temperatures funnel into much of the country.
Southern Plains and South get more severe storms
A storm system will develop over the central Plains this weekend, creating another threat for severe weather in places that have already experienced heavy storms in recent weeks.