Photo courtesy of Main Street Calumet
Clockwise from upper left; KNHP Landscape Architect Steve DeLong answers questions from members of the public during a community outreach session in October, 2019.
CALUMET The Calumet Area Trails (CAT) Group finalized its concept plan for the trail system, and has announced a scheduled presentation for later this month.
The group’s vision has to form a system of trails, routes and pathways that connect parks, other trails and trail networks and Calumet area communities.
“The CAT will enhance the quality of life and sense of place for residents and visitors,” states the group’s website, “by providing a way to explore the area’s cultural, natural, and recreational resources. The trail system will foster health and safety, strengthen community ties and local businesses, and support restoration and conservation efforts in this beautiful, nationally significant landscape.”
CALUMET During a public presentation via the internet last Thursday, the chairwoman of the Downtown Development Authority (DDA), and executive director of Main Street Calumet, Leah Polzien, defined a downtown district from the angle of a community rather than a business cluster, then discussed the role and function of a DDA, and its contributions to a downtown district as well as to that district’s community. She then went on to explain the purpose and function of Main Street Calumet.
Main Street Calumet is a non-profit organization formed in 2003 to support the downtown, encourage historic preservation, and economic development in the community. Governance consists of a volunteer board, using volunteer committees. Polzien, she said, is a paid, part-time staff person of the organization.
Veridea development proposal
The development would open up Lakeshore Drive to the sky, but this has been criticized for separating downtown businesses north of Shelden Avenue from their rear customer parking.
More than 100 people gathered on Zoom for Wednesday’s Houghton City Council meeting to voice their concerns, criticisms and support for the proposal put forward by the Veridea Group on Tuesday.
The city leadership has been working with Veridea on a plan to sell and develop the area currently occupied by the large parking deck between Lakeshore Drive and Bridgeview Park.
“Okay, before we get to the opportunity for the public to address the council, I would like to read a statement,” Mayor Robert Backon said.
Some “technical education services” were able to resume this week, under new guidance from the Michigan Department of Education and under the MDHHS COVID-19 emergency orders.
A memo from the MDE dated Dec. 9 states in part, “Gatherings at trade schools and career schools are permitted for the purpose of providing technical education services, including manufacturing, industrial technology, trades, and cosmetology, but only to the extent that these activities cannot be completed remotely.”
“They realize that those things can’t really be done virtually, that they need the hands-on stuff,” CCISD Superintendent George Stockero said.
Wednesday marked the first day that CTE classes were allowed to meet in person. Stockero said he was worried students not required to attend normal classes would not go to the CTE classes either. 80% of the students attended for day one.
Keweenaw Economic Development Association
In an effort to not let the COVID pandemic stifle the futures of our youth, the Keweenaw Economic Development Alliance (KEDA) is continuing its efforts to raise funds to support students who are looking to pursue career technical education after high school. Normally, this silent auction is part of the annual Holiday Hoopla held jointly with the Keweenaw Chamber of Commerce and Keweenaw Young Professionals. With the pandemic curtailing the 2020 Holiday Hoopla gathering, the silent auction is going virtual.
Mark your calendar and join us for an online Silent Auction on Wednesday, Dec. 9 through Dec. 14 to benefit the PHF/KEDA Career and Technical Educational Scholarship program. The online auction can be accessed at https://www.biddingowl.com/CTESCHOLARSHIPS. This year’s virtual auction will have over 40 items including several unique items crafted by the CCISD and high school CTE students.