LOCAL GOVERNMENT-Above is a map of Los Angeles County with the dates of the Los Angeles County Redistricting Committee meetings by area.
Where were the residents and other stakeholders? I attended two meetings this week on Redistricting, and since we are unable to see the participants via ZOOM (their names or part of their phone numbers show up on the top of the ZOOM screen from my view) only when they speak, it is impossible for the public to know who was logged on by computer or by phone. This article is not meant to be written in the manner of a professional reporter, but rather from a participant’s point of view.In the first meeting that I attended with the Los Angeles County Citizens Redistricting Commission on Monday night, I believe I only heard about three public speakers which includes my comments.
April 22, 2021
Louisville – Louisville Metro Council’s Budget Committee has released its schedule for reviewing Mayor Greg Fischer’s proposed 2021-2022 Capital and Operating Budgets.
The Committee will review the proposal over the months of May and June. The Metro Council extended the budget review process by an extra month beginning in 2017, in order to hear from the public and thoroughly review and discuss the budget for each department and agency of Metro Government.
“While the pandemic has dramatically affected the financial condition of many individuals, families and businesses, Louisville’s economy as a whole has held up much better than we feared at this time last year. That is reflected in the budget proposed today. Tax receipts, combined with federal funds and reduced expenses, will allow us to invest in human services, public safety and infrastructure. The Budget Committee will have thirty hearings to determine how best to spend the funds available to us,” sa