Clark County is not immune to the misinformation that has hampered efforts to stop the coronavirus pandemic. In such a climate, it is imperative that elected officials share reliable information about the virus and vaccines.
Early in Wednesday’s Clark County Board of Health meeting, there was discussion about rising rates of COVID-19 among young adults and adolescents in Washington.
How Montana s New Laws Limit Public Health Powers
Montana’s Republican majority this session took aim at public health officials’ authority, saying they overstepped in their COVID-19 response with mask mandates and business closures.
Freddy Monares spoke with Montana Public Radio’s Aaron Bolton to break down the impacts of the bills that passed and those that didn’t.
Freddy Monares: Aaron, a flurry of legislation took aim at public health at all levels. What were some of the bills that passed?
Freddy Monares: Vaccination requirements came up, too?
Aaron Bolton: Yeah. Most employers or government agencies are now prohibited from requiring COVID-19 vaccines. And who can provide vaccination exemptions for children in school has been expanded, though COVID-19 vaccines aren’t currently required by state law in public schools.
Public meeting for week of May 23 The Columbian
• 4 p.m., workshop; Vancouver homelessness plan, mitigating the impacts of homelessness.
• 5 p.m., workshop: 2022-27 Transportation Improvement Plan.
• 6:30 p.m., regular meeting: acceptance of public art “The Columbia,” limited tax refunding bonds, appointment to the Telecommunications Commission. Citizen forum.
Camas School District Board of Directors, meeting at 841 N.E. 22nd Ave., Camas. Meeting also via YouTube at
• 5:30 p.m., regular meeting: academic and well-being plan, spring update, fall 2021 plan.
Battle Ground Public Schools Board of Directors, meeting at 406 N.W. Fifth Ave., Battle Ground. Meeting also accessible via Zoom ID: 860 4436 8716; passcode: 914822.