Canadian corporations are strategically using "merit"-based language to exclude women from their boards of directors, according to a new study by Wilfrid Laurier and Ottawa university researchers. It also also found women are still vastly underrepresented in high-ranking business roles.
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Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Sadly, with increasing frequency, I am bombarded with news of anti-Semitic occurrences in Canada. Increasingly, the incidents are taking place on Canadian post-secondary campuses. That is why, this past Friday, it was with great haste and indifference that I dutifully scrolled through a press release from Bnai Brith Canada in regards to another such incident. Bnai Brith were calling for the denouncement and condemnation by Carleton University of allegedly anti-Semetic remarks made by a professor at the university. Disheartened that the academic realm was once again being sullied by hateful vitriol, I pressed on.