Carrington Superintendent Kris Kuehn reports that board president Joel Lemer provided the update to the board.
Kuehn says they’re continuing to come up with samples and form a working document that will fit the plan for Carrington Schools. With that plan, the board also explored some known issues within the district that would need to be addressed.
Other projects needing to be addressed includes the practice football field, brick replacement on the front of the building, and air handler in the Elementary School. Kuehn says they’ll be seeking some consultation to find improvements in that area. He says Stadium 76 will also need to be addressed sometime in the future.
Later discussion was held on staff leave in relation to COVID-19.
Kuehn says the COVID-19 leave will be extended through March 31st.
There has also been interest in adding girls fastpitch as an activity for the 2021-2022 school year. Kuehn says the board approved to begin adding that and will look to begin hiring coaches and equipment. The board also entered into a long-term lease with the Carrington Parks & Recreation Department for use of their fields for baseball and softball.
You can listen to a full interview with Kris Kuehn below:
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CARRINGTON, N.D. ( – The Carrington Public School Board moved to update the COVID-19 plan moving forward into the spring semester.
Superintendent Kris Kuehn says as part of that update, the board moved to approve keeping the mask mandate until further information is released.