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SINGAPORE, May 11, 2021 /PRNewswire/ S&P Global Ratings said today that Korea Expressway Corp. s (KEC) Sustainable Finance Framework is fully aligned with the four components of the Green Bond Principles (GBP) and the four components of the Social Bond Principles (SBP), collectively referred to under the Sustainability Bond Guidelines, as well as the four components of the Green Loan Principles (GLP). The Framework Alignment Opinion report is available online here. KEC s sustainable finance framework is fully aligned with the principles because the company commits to allocating net proceeds exclusively to eligible green and social projects outlined under the framework, said Chloe Lin, the primary contact at S&P Global Ratings.
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S&P provides full alignment opinion on QNB’s Green, Social, Sustainability Bond Framework
09 May 2021 - 9:32
The Peninsula
S&P Global Ratings said yesterday that Qatar National Bank (Q.P.S.C.)’s (QNB) Green, Social, and Sustainability Bond Framework is fully aligned with the four components of the Green Bond Principles (GBP) and the four components of the Social Bond Principles (SBP), collectively referred to the Sustainability Bond Guidelines.
The Framework Alignment Opinion report is available at Qatar National Bank’s Green, Social, and Sustainability Bond Framework. “The full alignment assessment reflects the bank’s commitment to sustainable development, leveraging its capabilities to finance projects that can create a tangible impact where they operate,” said Michael Puli, the primary contact at S&P Global Ratings.
S&P Global Ratings Provides Full Alignment Opinion On Qatar National Bank s Green, Social, Sustainability Bond Framework
USA - English
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SINGAPORE, May 6, 2021 /PRNewswire/ (S&P Global Ratings) S&P Global Ratings said today that Qatar National Bank (Q.P.S.C.) s (QNB) Green, Social, and Sustainability Bond Framework is fully aligned with the four components of the Green Bond Principles (GBP) and the four components of the Social Bond Principles (SBP), collectively referred to the Sustainability Bond Guidelines. The Framework Alignment Opinion report is available at Qatar National Bank s Green, Social, And Sustainability Bond Framework.
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NEW YORK, April 30, 2021 /PRNewswire/ (S&P Global Ratings) S&P Global Ratings said today that
Dana Inc. s Green Financing Framework is fully aligned with the four components of the Green Bond Principles (GBP) and Green Loan Principles (GLP). The Framework Alignment Opinion report is available Dana s sustainable financing framework is considered fully aligned because it commits to using net proceeds of financing issued under the framework to finance eligible green projects that fit into the categories defined in the GBP and GLP, specifically clean transportation, renewable energy, sustainable water and wastewater management, and green buildings, said Lori Shapiro, the primary contact at S&P Global Ratings.